giant squid
1.巨型鱿鱼 毒蛇鱼( viper fish) 巨型鱿鱼( giant squid) 巨型深海大虱( giant isopod) ...
2.巨型乌贼 无畏级战舰 / Dreadnought 巨型乌贼 / Giant Squid 装甲运兵船 / Armored Transport ...
3.巨乌贼第9名 巨乌贼 巨乌贼(Giant squid)是人类所知世界上最大的无脊椎动物,它能长到大约43英尺(13米)长。或许巨乌贼也是促使挪 …
4.大王乌贼大王乌贼(Giant squid)曾经被认为是一种传说中的生物,通常栖息在深海地区,身长估计约10至13公尺,是目前已知最大型 …
5.大乌贼在实验室里,我们可以用一个大乌贼(giant squid)来研究神经传导模式,因为人类神经细胞动作电位(action potential)的产 …
6.大王鱿鱼二、 大王鱿鱼(giant squid): 栖息在深海中,死亡后偶尔漂流到海岸边的巨兽,长久以来一直是渔民们心目中大海怪的首选, …
造句带翻译释义:,巨型鱿鱼,巨型乌贼,巨乌贼1.And for anyone thinking of a squid feast, Walker-Smith said giant squid contain high levels of ammonia in their bodies to help them float.对于想吃鱿鱼大餐的人,沃克史密丝说大王鱿鱼体内含有高成分的氨水,才能漂浮起来。
2.You hear about giant squid and things like that, but some of these animals get up to be approximately 140, 160 feet long .你一定听说过巨型章鱼之类的东西。但像这样的动物可以伸张到140到160英尺长。
3.Stories of the Kraken were likely inspired by a real marine monster: the Giant squid (Architeuthis).挪威海怪的故事,很可能受到一种真正的海洋怪物—巨型乌贼的启发。
4.To this day, the giant squid remains a legendary example of how fantastic animals on earth can be.今天,巨型乌贼仍然是地球上梦幻般生物的样本。
5.So, imagine a great white shark and a giant squid in the same bathroom.所以,想象一个白大鲨和大乌贼在同一间厕所里。
6.That was a popular thriller about a giant squid, created by toxic waste, who dragged away a victim.在《怪物》中一个由工业废物产生的巨大乌贼卷走了一个女性受害者。
7.That in turn stands to have an effect on the food chain, since giant squid provide the meal of choice for endangered sperm whales.其后果又对食物链产生影响,因为巨型鱿鱼是濒危抹香鲸的首选食物。
8.A giant squid is heading back to New Zealand, after being "stuffed" with silicone and preserved for posterity.一只巨型乌贼正在返回新西兰的途中。它刚刚被“填充”了硅胶,以留给后人观赏。
9.Tentacles and complete corpses revealed to the scientific world that the giant squid was indeed real.带触手的完整的尸体对科学世界揭示了巨型乌贼的存在。
10.To make it more concrete, think about the plight of the enigmatic giant squid.更具体地讲,可想一想神秘巨型鱿鱼的困境。