美式发音: [ˈdʒɪbərɪŋ] 英式发音: ['dʒɪbərɪŋ]v.“gibber”的现在分词
adj.1.unable to speak in a sensible way, especially because you are frightened or shocked
v.1.The present participle of gibber
1.语无伦次的 genial 和蔼,温柔 gibbering 语无伦次的 glacial 冰的,冰河时期的 ...
造句带翻译释义:,语无伦次的1.Some of the animals were screaming and gibbering, racing around in their cages, while others were comatose and lethargic.有些动物尖叫着,叽咕着,围着笼子奔跑,还有些则是昏睡和呆滞的。
2.Cut to four hours from now, when I'm gibbering in the corner of the men's room.镜头切换到四个小时从现在起,当我在该男子的房间角落gibbering。
3.On the second occasion, a few days later, I became a gibbering wreck within minutes.几天后我抽了第二支香烟,随后便口齿不清了几分钟。