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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡɪbən] 英式发音: ['ɡɪbən]





1.长臂猿(栖息于东南亚)a small ape (= an animal like a large monkey without a tail) with long arms, that lives in SE Asia



n.1.an animal that looks like a monkey with long arms and no tail that lives in the forests of India and Indonesia

na.1.The variant of Gibbons

1.长臂猿 orangutan 猩猩 gibbon 长臂猿 sloth 獭猴 ...

2.吉本有一点自知之明了。18世纪英国历史学家吉朋Gibbon)曾一语道破真谛:众人视各教皆真;哲人视各教皆妄;而官人(指 …

6.吉彭 gib 猫 gibbon 长臂猴 guanaco 产于南美的驼马 ...



1.Vain was that ambition, surely not an ignoble one, to set his name beside those of Gibbon and Mommsen.他曾想与吉本和蒙森齐名。这雄心无疑是高尚的,然而如今只是一场空。

2.This moment may be for you as it was for Robert Gibbon Johnson in 1820 on the steps of the courthouse in Salem, New Jersey.也许你也会有这么一刻,要知道罗伯特·吉本·约翰逊1820年站在新泽西塞勒姆县政府大楼台阶上就曾犹豫。

3.A tiny baby siamang (a type of gibbon) sprawls on his mother's stomach at Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa, Florida.一只合趾猴(长臂猿的一种)躺在妈妈的肚子上,好舒服呀!

4.With its spectacular locomotion and haunting, bird-like calls, the cao vit gibbon is a real show-stealer.惊人的移动方式,鸟儿似的鸣叫,东部黑冠长臂猿可以称得上是名副其实的表演家了。

5.Liana was the main media and connection through which hoolock gibbon traveled between arbor forests and shrubs.藤本植物是白眉长臂猿在乔灌层之间活动的主要交通媒介和连接纽带。

6.Thousands of sandhill cranes roost on the Platte River during their annual migratory stopover at the Rowe Sanctuary near Gibbon, Nebraska.年度迁徙途中的数千只沙丘鹤在内布拉斯加州吉本附近的罗保护区停留,栖息在普拉特河上。

7.but was to all points short of absolutely certain, forged and interpolated by Eusebius, as suggested by Gibbon and others.所有的证据都指明,这个段落绝对是被优西比乌伪造并且加上去的,正如吉本和其它人暗示的那样。

8.I think Gibbon is right in attributing great importance to this high moral level as one of the causes of the spread of Christianity.我认为吉朋把基督教得以广传的原因之一,归诸这种高度的道德水平是正确的。

9.Our tour guide had pieces of banana, and each time, the gibbon would run across the branch to get to it.我们的导游手上有几根香蕉,每次它都从树枝上跑过来拿。

10.The discovery of such a large gibbon population may mean the species has a better chance of long-term survival, the scientists say.科学家表示,发现数量如此之多的长臂猿意味着这个种群有更好的机会长时间存活。
