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gift from the gods是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

gift from the gods


1.As long as you cling to your struggle toward your goal, happiness will arrive in time as a gift from the gods.只要你朝着自己的目标坚持不懈地进取,上帝总会将幸福降临于你。

2.To have such an easy examination paper was a gift from the gods.碰到这样容易的考卷,那是老天爷的恩赐。

3.And in a masterstroke of dramatic perversity, Io is given to Perseus-as a gift from the gods-just before the movie ends.而在神奇的逆转之中,伊俄被众神作为礼物送给了珀修斯,然后电影就结束了。

4.When you weren't thinking about it suddenly the answer has come to you , as a gift from the gods.当你不在想它的时候,答案突然冒出来,就像上帝的礼物。

5.For centuries, the natives there regarded cocoa as a gift from the gods.几个世纪以来,当地的居民把可可看作神的恩赐。

6.Having you join us was a gift from the gods.你能加入我们是上天所赐。

7.The old man said his young wife is a gift from the gods.那老人说他那位年轻的妻子是天赐的礼物。

8.Jacob was a gift from the gods.雅革是上天赐矛我的礼物。

9.Are they a gift from the Gods?他们是神授的礼物?
