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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: ['gɪbəs] 英式发音: ['gɪbəs]





1.光亮部分大于半圆的;盈凸的with the bright part bigger than a semicircle and smaller than a circle


adj.1.describes the Moon or a planet before and after it is full, when it has more than half its disk illuminated2.bulging outward or swollen

1.突起的 salient adj. 显著的,突出的 | gibbous adj 突起的,凸状的 convex adj. 凸出的 | ...

2.凸状的 salient adj. 显著的,突出的 | gibbous adj 突起的,凸状的 convex adj. 凸出的 | ...

3.凸圆的 giant star 巨星 gibbous 凸圆的 giga- 吉(咖) ...

4.凸月 giant molecular cloud—— 巨型分子云 gibbous—— 凸月 globular cluster—— 球状星团 ...

5.驼背的 ... gibbosity 突起;驼背 gibbous 驼背的 hucklebacked 驼背的 ...

6.凸月像 凸透镜 convex lens 凸月像 gibbous 突堤,码头 jetty ...



1.A moon that's more than half lighted and is on its way to becoming full is called a waxing gibbous moon.当月亮超过其一半亮度,正在向完全发光时,我们叫它盈凸月,即渐进饱和之月亮。

2.After the full moon and between the last quarter moon, the moon will be in its waning gibbous phase.满月以后与满月与下弦月之间,月亮将处在其渐亏的阶段。

3.Tonight, although it may look full to the eye, it is already in a waning gibbous phase.今晚,尽管,看上去仍是满月,但已经进入月亏阶段。

4.The rise and sets of crescent and gibbous phase can be estimated in the same way.蛾眉日和凸月的长落时刻,可以用同样的方法估计。

5.Fruit is close globose, disrupt number smooth gibbous, long olivary divides fruit Pan.果近球形,分裂为数个平凸状。长卵形的分果爿。

6.Light from the Moon, which is in a so-called gibbous phase, could interfere with observations this year.今年的月亮处于所谓的凸月期,来自它光芒可能干扰观察。

7.In fact, this gibbous phase shows part of Jupiter's moon Europa .事实上,这颗突起的相位显示了部分木卫二。

8.Carpels erect, equaling or slightly shorter than petals, adaxially gibbous, base connate for ca. 2 mm. Follicles stellately horizontal.心皮直立,等长或稍短于花瓣,囊状,星状水平的约2毫米蓇葖果基部合生个。

9.The moon has four major phases: crescent, half moon, gibbous and full moon.月亮有四种主要的相:新月、半月、凸月和满月。

10.The moon grew from crescent to gibbous, and suddenly the toads were gone.从新月到上弦月,月亮逐渐圆满起来,它们却忽然消失了。
