育儿知识大全 英语词典内容页


2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈdʒɪbləts] 英式发音: ['dʒɪbləts]






1.(禽类的)内脏the inside parts of a chicken or other bird, including the heart and liver , that are usually removed before it is cooked


n.1.the liver, heart, and neck of poultrychickens, etc. that you remove before you cook it

1.鸡杂 ham 火腿, giblets 鸡杂, gooes 鹅, ...

2.什件儿 什么意思[ whatever] 什件儿[ giblets] 什器[ household wares] ...

3.内脏 Poultry 家禽 Giblets 内脏 Bread 面包 ...

4.残余物 vitally 及其,十分 giblets 残余物 connote 暗示 ...

5.鸡什)、蹄子(trotter)、胗(gizzard)、鸡什giblets)、鹿肉(venison)、鸡脯(chicken breast)、甲鱼(turtle)、海味(…

6.杂碎 ... funeral n. 葬礼, 出殡 giblets n. (鸡/鸭的)内脏, 杂碎 glare 瞪视 ...

7.禽内脏 ... 去鳃脏机 gibbing machine, gipping machine 禽内脏,鸡杂,鸭杂 giblets 熟羊腿,熟鹿腿 gigot ...

8.禽类内脏等的杂碎 ... tripe 牛肚 giblets 禽类内脏等的杂碎 mince 绞碎的肉 肉末 ...


1.The women in the village about to come, with its own pair of scissors, three five around the digging in chicken giblets.村里女人大约全来了,带着自家的剪刀,三五围着在挖鸡内脏。

2.It is hard to imagine that there would be anything but giblets left if those two now fell into the hands of their people.很难想像,假如这对活宝活入人民手中,是否会有点内脏会保持完全。

3.The Qin Dynasty knows that those are some giblets that hide in the dark place, peeped out their own prototypes.秦朝知道,那是藏在暗处的一些杂碎们,露出了自己的原型。

4.Trim and slice turkey giblets. Mix in seasoning and marinate for 15 minutes.火鸡肾去筋,切片,拌入调味料腌15分钟。

5.Heat 3 tbsps oil in wok, saute giblets until cooked. Remove.烧3汤匙油,爆炒肾片至熟透,取起。

6.Get them out here so we can cut off their giblets!把他们交出来我们要把他们碎尸万段

7.Chicken giblets soup with vegetables蔬菜鸡什汤

8.Chicken giblets and vegetable soup菜远鸡什汤

9.Duck giblets soup with black mushrooms冬菇鸭杂汤

10.chicken giblets soup with spinach鸡杂菠菜汤
