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gifted child是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

gifted child

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1.天才儿童 foster child 养子 gifted child 天才儿童; 优异[聪明]儿童 gutter child 街头流浪儿 ...

2.超常儿童 gifted 天才 gifted child 超常儿童 giftedness 天才 ...

3.天才少年 ... 儿时梦想 Childhood Dreams 天才少年 Gifted child 法国青年队 French youth team ...

4.聪明儿童 German measles 风疹 gifted child 天才儿童, 聪明儿童 gonad 性腺 ... ...

5.资优儿童 ... gifted child 超智儿童 gifted child 有天赋的儿童 A gifted child 有天赋的孩子 ...

7.超智儿童 ... gifted child 超常儿童 gifted child 超智儿童 gifted child 有天赋的儿童 ...

8.孩子要他趴在地上作弄他,但是Sion是一个「上帝赐予的孩子gifted child)」,不论同学怎麽霸凌,他都用全新的眼睛看待,隔 …


1.And pressures are growing from the less affluent parents who often cannot even think of sending a gifted child to university at all.来自那些以前没获利多少的学校的压力也很大,他们怎么可能将自己的孩子拱手让人?

2.Although they may have truly been gifted child actors, having been forced into the profession causes too many problems later on in life.尽管他们很可能是很有才能的儿童演员,但是由于是被迫从事这个职业,所以在以后的生活中造成很多麻烦问题。

3.A gifted child, she earned a place at the once prestigious Baghdad Music and Ballet School, where she studied until the 2003 invasion.她很有天赋,曾是久负盛名的巴格达音乐和芭蕾学校的学生,她在那一直学习到2003年,直至入侵来临。

4.Broadly speaking, a gifted child has special abilities in a particular area.大致来说,天才儿童在某个特定领域有特别的能力。

5.If a gifted child can finish a four-year course in two years, shouldn't we encourage her?如果说一个天才儿童能够在2年内完成4年的课程,我们不是很应该鼓励他吗?

6.A gifted child's intellectual development and emotional maturity seldom keep pace with each other.一个天才儿童的智力发展和他的情感成熟性一般是不成正比的。

7.eg. Warren was their gifted child, but by the end of 1944, had become the school delinquent.沃伦是他们心目中的天才少年,而到了1944年年底的时候,他却成了一个问题学生。

8.Everywhere one turns these days, it seems, there's a 'gifted child. '如今,“天才少年”似乎无处不在了。

9.Beethoven was a gifted child in music.贝多芬是一位天资聪颖的孩子对音乐有兴趣。

10.A gifted child; a gifted pianist.有天赋的孩子;有才华的钢琴家
