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发表于1年前 英语词典


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1.眩晕 gibraltar fever 布鲁菌病 giddiness 眩晕 gigantism 巨大症 ...

2.眼花 gibe 嘲弄,讥笑 giddiness 眼花,轻率 giddy 眼花的,头晕的 ...

3.头晕 Nausea 作呕 Giddiness 头晕 Bleeding 淤血 ...

4.晕眩 Gibson effect 吉卜生错觉效应 giddiness 晕眩 gift 天资 ...

5.轻率 germane 密切有关的>无关的 giddiness 轻率>严肃 glaze 使表面光滑>弄皱 ...

6.弦晕 gibson girl 袖珍发报机 giddiness 弦晕 gift rope 系艇缆 ...

7.头昏运动或视物之中间歇性地出现自身摇晃不稳的一种感觉;头昏(Giddiness)主要是以持续的头脑昏昏沉沉或迷迷糊糊不清晰的 …

8.头晕眼花禁忌:头晕眼花 (giddiness)、严重关节炎 (sever arthritis)。→勇士一及勇士二 目的:根据好处可知这是一个练习专注及锻链的 …


1.I considered my giddiness and inconstancy when in London as in a great degree the cause of her unhappiness.我觉得我在伦敦时的那种轻率和朝誓夕变的态度,在很大程度上是使她遭遇不幸的原因。

2.But at least I had no sooner eaten my first meal than I was seized with giddiness and retching.我咽下这第一顿食物后,马上觉得头晕眼花,连连作呕。

3.In my giddiness to spread the word, I dropped the hint that an expanded universe character was slated to be in the film.我轻率地将消息传播了出去,暗示说电影预定要引入一位衍生宇宙角色。

4.If you know, see, be and have, your might get strain, dizziness, giddiness or suffocation. This is not the correct practice.如果你想要这些,可能就会变得紧张、晕眩或窒闷,这不是正确的练习。

5.Suddenly the giddiness is gone, and I stare at the ground. "I always need someone to rescue me. "突然那种恍惚不见了,我盯着地面。“我总是需要有人来救我。”

6.The sickness quite departed, but succeeded by a horrid giddiness and swimming that was almost worse to bear.病痛已经消失大半,可是接踵而来的却是一阵更加难以忍受的可怕的眼花、头晕。

7.Most of the heavy emoting is done by Streep, whose meanness is pitched at the same near-hysterical level as her giddiness in Mamma Mia!浓墨重彩的感情张发已经由斯特里普挑了重头,角色粗野的程度与《妈妈咪呀》中的轻率不分伯仲!

8.These days, perhaps only two things put fans in seats for preseason games -- gimmickry and giddiness .如今的季前赛摆在现场观众面前的也许只是伎俩和花哨了。

9.Even before the revolution, sober neoclassical styles were replacing the giddiness of rococo.甚至在革命之前,朴素的新古典主义风格取代了轻率的洛可可风格。

10.Now and then the room blurred and a slight giddiness came over him; but his muscles would flex taut and it would pass.房间不时变得模糊不清,他不时感到微微有点头晕;但他身上肌肉绷紧起来,那阵头晕也就过去了。
