gift wrapping
1.礼品包装 Gift Registries 礼品登记 Gift Wrapping 礼品包装 Gifts for Avid Sports Fans 礼品,为热爱体育迷 ...
2.是礼盒 ... Shopping Bag 购物袋 Gift Wrapping 是礼盒 Standard International 是一般寄送方式 ...
3.包裹礼物 ... 3. easy to use 使用方便 2.Gift wrapping 包裹礼物 ...
4.礼品包装用品 ... George Washington University 乔治·华盛顿大学 Gift Wrapping 礼品包装用品 Guided Weapon 制导武器 ...
5.礼品包装服务 ... 7.兑换停车券 Parking voucher exchange 1.礼品包装服务 Gift Wrapping 2.顾客意见处理 Commen…
6.包装礼物 ... The minutes ticked by 时间一分一秒过去 Gift wrapping 包装礼物 Broke 一文不名 ...
造句带翻译释义:,礼品包装,是礼盒,包裹礼物1.On top of all that, there will be school concerts, community activities, work parties, gift wrapping. . . well, you know the drill.其中比较重要的就睡校园音乐剧、社区活动、公司派对、礼品包装等等,好吧,其实这些狂欢活动你也都清楚。
2.Implement simple packaging and cut down on gift wrapping on your gifts can minimise the amount of waste produced.简约包装,减少使用礼物包装,避免浪费资源。
3.If appropriate you could offer a gift-wrapping service or even discounts for people who spend over a certain amount.有必要的话,可以给消费了一定数目的客户提供包装服务,甚至是折扣服务。
4.Stressed out by the idea of gift wrapping? Have no fear! Use this step-by-step guide to create a package you'll be proud to give!一想着包礼物就会让你感到有压力?不要怕!使用下面一步一步的指导,做出一个将让你拿出去时感到自豪的礼品包装吧!
5.Discount does not apply to gift certificates, gift cards, taxes, shipping and handling charges, gift-wrapping or similar charges.折扣不适用于礼券、礼物卡片、税、运输和装卸费,礼物包裹或相似的充电。
6.Sorry, if you choose the Gift Wrapping option, we will hand-write the greeting message for you and we cannot offer different fonts.对不起,我们将会以人手亲笔缮写贺卡,未能提供不同字体选择。
7.While we enjoyed picking out the perfect presents and gift-wrapping them, the best part was delivering everything in person.我们开心的挑选最合适的礼物并加以包装,最教人兴奋的是我们还要亲自将这些东西送到认养家庭去。
8.Just like Thanksgiving. It's love unhindered by the distractions of list making and gift-wrapping , fellowship without credit card heroics.这样的圣诞节有亲情爱心﹐而无拟定名单﹑包扎礼物之苦﹔是友谊交情﹐而不必大肆刷卡。
9.Later increments might add the option of gift wrapping the purchase or of requesting catalogs that are provided by different vendors.后续渐进式要求可能会添加对购买的商品进行礼品包装或请求由不同供应商提供的目录的选项。
10.ily6 wrapped and many Germans spend considerable time designing elegant wrappings. Most shops offer gift-wrapping services, too.礼物一般得包扎,很多德国人会花上一定的时间设计个优雅的包装。大多数商店也会提供包装服务。