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2023-09-14 英语词典


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网络释义:花招;鬼把戏;吸引人的花招复数:gimmicks  同义词




1.(为引人注意或诱人购买而搞的)花招,把戏,噱头an unusual trick or unnecessary device that is intended to attract attention or to persuade people to buy sth

a promotional/publicity/sales gimmick以推销╱宣传╱销售为目的的花招



n.1.something that is intended to impress and interest you but is really not at all useful

1.噱头 opposition 反对(党)派 gimmick 花招 timetable 时间表 ...

3.鬼把戏 鬼祟〖 (ofconduct)dishonorable,tricky〗 鬼把戏gimmick;trick;plot〗 鬼笔〖 phallaceae〗 ...

4.吸引人的花招 gimlet 螺丝锥 gimmick 吸引人的花招,噱头 gingham 花格方布的 ...

5.暗机关 hegemony 霸权 gimmick 暗机关 hedge one’s bets 为避免损失两面下注 ...

6.骗人玩意儿 1.yardstick n. 码尺;准绳 1.gimmick n. 骗人玩意儿;骗局;(产品广告)噱头 2.forge v. 伪造文书 ...

7.绞合电容器 gimlet 手钻;锥子 gimmick 骗局;绞合电容器 gin truck 起重架卡车 ...

8.诀窍 19. daily 日报 21. gimmick 诀窍,小花招 22. adaptation 适应 ...


1.And a mysterious big-headed role really is dispensable, two sentences on a lens, is estimated to remain a Chaozuo just a gimmick.而那个神秘大当家的角色,真的是可有可无,就一个镜头两句话,估计也就是为了留个炒做的噱头而已。

2.Invest carefully inspected, you may find: it has no gimmick just started to hear a great impulse to the time.仔细进行投资考察后,你可能发现:自己已经没有刚开始听到一个很大噱头时的冲动了。

3.But Mr. Boehner is adamant: our mortgage is part of the cost of our meal, and to say otherwise is just a budget gimmick.但是,博纳先生却坚定不移说:住房抵押贷款就是饭费的一部分,不这么看就是在预算问题上耍滑头。

4.Of course, they are a bit of a publicity gimmick, but they work.当然,它们在某种程度上是一种宣传伎俩,但它们奏效了。

5.Still the dealers continued to see it as a gimmick.尽管如此,各承销商仍然把它看作是一种花招。

6."Betty" seems to be just a gimmick, to be used in a vain , to win some unnecessary criticism and saliva.“贝蒂”似乎只是一个噱头,白白被利用了一场,赢得一些无谓的口水和批判。

7.Or does it sound like a bit of a gimmick?好像还是有点的噱头?

8.anyway , answering my own question , it doesn ' t really matter if it ' s a gimmick : if it makes you think , it works.我自问自答道:无论如何是噱头的话也是无关紧要:如果它能让你去想,就达到了目的。

9.The truth is that designating new features as "experimental" and announcing them only on a blog is just a charade, a marketing gimmick.事实上,把新的特色产品指定为“试验版”并只在博客上宣布仅仅是一种伪装、一种行销伎俩。

10.Dario: I always thought that conditioner was just a gimmick to make people spend more at the supermarket!达里奥:我一直认为护发素是超市里让人们多花钱的小花招而已。
