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2023-09-14 英语词典


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网络释义:金边债券;金边证券;政府债券复数:gilts  同义词


n.gold leaf,gold plate





n.1.a thin layer of gold or something like gold, used for decorating objects

v.1.The past tense and past participle of gild

adj.1.covered with a thin substance that looks like gold or is made of gold

1.金边债券 gain and loss 损益 gilts 金边证券; 优良证券 go-go fund 冒险投资基金 ...

3.政府债券 ... 红色猪圆线虫 hyostrongylus rubidus 后备母猪 gilts 煎猪扒 pork steak ...

6.金边国债至10年,10至25年和超过25年的3个行业的英国金边国债Gilts),均匀购买3至7年,7至15年和15年以上类型债券。这与美 …

7.长期国债政府的债务管理,包括国库券 (T-bills)和中长期国债Gilts)发行、国债市场管理;(2)政府的现 金管理,包括政府每日 …


1.So whether it trades on 15 times earnings or 15. 5 is missing the point. But the yield must be at least equal to that on gilts.因此,市盈率是15倍还是15.5倍并不重要,但收益率必须至少在表面上与此相当。

2.Buying Treasuries, bunds or gilts provides a bit of insurance against this risk.购买美国国债、德国国债或英国国债,会为对抗这种风险提供些许保障。

3.They do so by buying assets, typically government bonds, known as "gilts" , from banks or other financial institutions.具体的做法就是从银行或其他金融机构购买资产,典型的资产是政府债券,也就是通常所说的“金边债券”。

4.Some may worry what effect such indebtedness might have on UK gilts or on inflation, which could erode any investment gains.有些人可能担心,如此沉重的债务负担,可能会对英国金边债券或通货膨胀造成什么影响?通胀可能会侵蚀任何投资收益。

5.At the start of this month, the gilts market appeared overwhelmed by the burgeoning demands of the UK government.本月初,英国国债市场似乎被英国政府蓬勃增长的需求淹没了。

6.Yields on German bunds and British gilts have fallen below the rate of inflation due to investors' flight to safety.由于投资者争相避险,德国和英国公债的收益率(殖利率)均已低于通胀率。

7.Asian central banks had been big buyers of gilts in the past few months, switching out of eurozone debt, traders said.交易员表示,近几个月来,亚洲各国央行避开欧元区债券,而成为英国国债的大买家。

8.Buying up gilts in a market where no new securities are being issued could distort interest rates in unpredictable ways, economists warned.经济学家警告称,在没有新债发行的市场购买国债可能会以不可预知的方式扭曲利率。

9.At least the average term to maturity for gilts is 14 years; it is about four on American central-government debt.至少对于金边证券从一般水平到成熟得14年时间。这个大约是美国中央的政府债务的四倍。

10.Reducing energy density is an alternative way of slowing the growth of rapidly growing gilts .降低日粮能量浓度是另外一个减缓快速增重猪生长速度的方法。
