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2023-09-14 英语词典




1.巧妙手法的 ... gimmickery 巧妙的装置 gimmicky 巧妙手法的 gimp 绒丝带 ...


1.So interesting idea, but like the rest of Radiohead's innovative marketing techniques, this one also feels a bit gimmicky .因此,有趣的想法,但想其余的收音机的创新营销技术,这一也觉得有点过于花哨。

2.Cuts in public spending will have to go far beyond the gimmicky blitz on top salaries, official cars and mobile phones mentioned so far.仅仅是对之前提到的顶工资,官方用车和手机的一番花拳绣腿,对削减公共开支只是杯水车薪。

3.Gimmicky special agencies cannot make up for a justice system filled with crooked, timid or inexperienced judges and prosecutors.花哨的专门机构无法弥补的司法制度充满弯曲,胆怯或缺乏经验的法官和检察官。

4."It's cool, but it's a little gimmicky, " said Michael Arrington, founder and co-editor of the technology news Web site TechCrunch.“它很酷,但是它有点像儿戏。”技术新闻网站TechCrunch的创始人兼合作编辑迈克尔·阿灵顿说。

5.In her opinion, design-centric hotels run the risk of becoming gimmicky, and cutting corners in service.在她看来,太注重装潢设计的酒店可能会只顾着弄噱头,服务却跟不上。

6.The tales of his "spumona" foams, his freeze-dried powdered meats, and scientific "molecular" cooking techniques sounded gimmicky.他做的“意式冰激凌”泡沫、冻干肉粉,以及科学的“分子”烹饪技艺听上去噱头十足。

7.McCain should stop unveiling gimmicky proposals every couple of days that pretend to deal with the financial crisis.麦凯恩必须停止每隔几天就揭开那些“噱头”计划,假装好像在处理金融危机。

8.I guess I don't like being really obvious either, and I find those blown-up frames kind of gimmicky.我认为我也并没有特别喜爱(这种排版),(作品中)也是存在那样放大单元格的手法。

9.It sounds a bit gimmicky , but such programs may have a real basis in neurobiology.这些说法乍听之下像是噱头,实际上却有神经生物学的基础。

10.2L and the composer have here used surround sound in a totally imaginative and un-gimmicky manner to enhance the listening experience.2L和作曲家在这个完全充满想象力的空间,用环绕立体声和实在的方式制作录音,以加强听觉体验。
