美式发音: [ˈɡɪɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈɡiɡlɪŋ]v.吃吃地笑;傻笑;娇笑一下;咯咯地笑起来
网络释义:咯咯笑的;哈哈大笑;吃吃的笑复数:giggles 现在分词:giggling 过去分词:giggled 同义词
n.1.a quiet laugh that is sometimes involuntary in a way that is characteristic of children2.something that is fun or that makes somebody laugh3.a high laugh, especially a nervous or silly one4.something that you do for fun because you think it is funny1.a quiet laugh that is sometimes involuntary in a way that is characteristic of children2.something that is fun or that makes somebody laugh3.a high laugh, especially a nervous or silly one4.something that you do for fun because you think it is funny laugh audibly but not loudly, sometimes without meaning to, in a way that is characteristic of laugh in a nervous, excited, or silly way that is difficult to control
1.傻笑 Fugue 神游症 Giggling 傻笑 Grief 悲(哀)伤 ...
2.咯咯地笑 hiss 嘶嘶声 giggling 咯咯地笑 shoo 赶走鸟所发声音; 嘘! ...
3.咯咯笑的 pull pranks 捉弄我们 giggling adj. 咯咯笑的 sleeping bags 睡袋 ...
4.哈哈大笑 ... 5。a long distance phone call。 一个 长途 电话 6。giggling 哈哈大笑 7。laughing at yourself。 自 …
5.吃吃的笑 ... 所以我们必须学好英语 Therefore,we need to learn English 十五格格 15 giggling 骄傲的方向公民 Forever 1ove" ...
7.偷笑 It's sunsetting 太阳下山 Giggling 偷笑 for no reason 没理由,没原因 ...
造句带翻译释义:,吃吃地笑,傻笑,娇笑一下,咯咯地笑起来,咯咯笑的,哈哈大笑,吃吃的笑1.Just a few more minutes of giggling and splashing in the bathtub. So what if bedtime got pushed back a little?要是再多一会儿,让孩子们在浴缸里尽情地嬉戏击水,即便睡觉时间推迟一点又何妨?
2.There were a few young women of that age, some of them giggling nomad pilgrims making their first attempts at pleading for food and money.同样年龄的女乞丐不多,有一些格格地傻笑着初次伸手向来进香(朝圣)的牧民们讨要食物和钱。
3.Late one cloudy afternoon, when Huan Zang, a young man in his late teens, was passing by the foot of a mountain, he heard a girl's giggling.是一个阴暗的午后﹐黄章﹐一个十八﹑九岁的年轻男子﹐于经过一座山脉的山脚下时﹐他听到了一个女孩子的傻笑声。
4.In a cinema, a cross-eyed lady turned round and said to the giggling schoolgirls behind her: "Do you mind, I'm trying to watch the film. "在电影院,一个对眼的女士转过身对她身后咯咯笑的女学生说:“请注意,我正在看电影呢。”
5.And she was giggling at him. Spread-eagled on the floor, her brocaded gown hitched up above her thighs, she taunted him between giggles.她朝他一个劲地格格地傻笑,她手脚伸展着躺在地板上,把花缎旗袍拉上来露出大腿。
6.It looks as though Sheila had a huge head as well as shining silver hair, for which Estelle started giggling with a burp.雪拉姐的银发发出了光辉,看起来脑袋变得很大,她打了个嗝,咯咯笑了起来。
7.As I parked, I noticed several young starlets coming out the front door, giggling, their faces radiant with fulfillment.停车的时候,我注意到几位年轻的小佳丽们从前门有说有笑的走了出来,脸上都洋溢着满足的表情。
8.After this day, there was no more crying, just giggling once in a while, especially during the summer.此后,我再没听到过哭声,只是偶尔,尤其是夏天会听到咯咯的笑声。
9.I fear Jack has lost his head. He started giggling and now he doesn't seem to be able to stop.我担心杰克是不是精神失常了。他开始咯咯笑,而且似乎停不下来。
10.Obi -Wan set the squirming infant down on the counter and began the process of undressing him with Luke giggling and cooing all the while.奥比万把蠕动的娃娃放到盥洗台上,开始给娃娃脱衣服,期间卢克一直唧唧咕咕笑个不停。