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get under way是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

get under way

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1.开动 get to 到达 get under way 开动 get under 控制 ...

2.开始进行 get into hot water 陷入困境 get under way 开始进行 get...in tone 使和谐(协调) ...

3.出发 get under 镇压,控制。 get under way 出发;出动,(船)开动。 get together1. 收集,积累。 ...

4.开船 get out of the way 让开,避开 get under way 启航,开船 give way 后退,撤退,退却 ...

5.上路 ... get to 到达,变得…起来,开始,着手 get under way (生产)就绪,上路 get with 开始做,着手做,对…注意 ...

6.开始前进 ... get in the way 妨碍 get under way 出发; 开始前进 go all the way with sb. 完全同意某人意见; 给某人以全力支持 ...


1.It's hard to see how a depression could get under way when so much capital is waiting in the wings.很难想像有那么多的资金在等待找到用武之地的时候会发生大萧条。

2.By late afternoon, with the rally about to get under way, long rows of villagers came up the dirt paths, accompanied by armed Maoist cadres.黄昏时分,部队马上要集合了,成排的村民和带着武装的毛主义干部出现在泥泞的道路上。

3.As preparations for the G20 summit get under way , finance ministers meeting in London deserve credit for averting economic apocalypse .随着20国集团(G20)峰会的筹备工作展开,齐聚伦敦的20国财长应该为避免了经济彻底崩溃而受到赞扬。

4.Weinberger's trial was about to get under way, and President Bush was likely to be called as a witness.对卡斯帕.温伯格的审判即将开始,老布什总统很可能被当作证人传唤。

5.Our responsibility will really get under way when we are free to come and go, without any interference from the dark Ones.当我们可以自由出入的时候,我们的职责将可以轻松的落实,而不会再有来自黑暗势力的干扰。

6.Indeed America, where the driving season is about to get under way, will contribute half the extra oil.而事实是面对即将来临的驾驶季节,美国将承担起一半的储备投放量。

7.If you can just get under way with any part of a project, then the rest will tend to follow.如果你开始了某个项目,剩下的部分就水到渠成了。

8.Soon after the Renaissance get under way, its progress was made to grow rapidly by the influence of non-religious learning.文艺复兴开始启动后不久,它的发展就被非宗教学问的影响推动得快速增长了。

9.And what appears to be the first scientific study on the subject will soon get under way.关于这一课题的第一项科学研究看来正在进行当中。

10.A hearing is set to get under way on Capitol Hill next hour into the problems at Arlington National Cemetery.接下来的一个小时,国会山将举行听证会,讨论阿灵顿国家公墓的问题。
