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get up on是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

get up on



1.上到…上的意思 mount also means to place oneself upon;get up on, 指骑上,走上使自己登上去;上到…上的意思。 mount stairs. 登上楼 …


1.After about an hour, I finally wipe the whole floor of each room once more, floor light, and I leaned too tired to get up on the sofa.大约过了一个多小时,我终于将每个房间的地板全擦了一遍,地板亮了,我也累得趴在沙发上起不来了。

2.Six o 'clock in the morning, the alarm clock ringing the bell rang, just a way of microcontinent up, and get up on time.早晨6点,闹钟清脆的铃声一响,林浩就一股路爬止来,准时起床。

3.But if he comes from the West, do not get up on your housetops to see because he will have no mercy.但是如果他从西方来,不能起床看见你的屋顶因为他没有了慈悲。

4.wicked fools will not go about on it. a 9No lion will be there, nor will any ferocious beast get up on it; they will not be found there.愚昧的人不会在路上留连.9那里必没有狮子,猛兽也不会上去,在那里必遇不见牠们;

5.It was exciting to get up on Easter because we were going to sunrise service.因为要去晨拜,所以在复活节早起还是很令人兴奋的。

6.Butterflies, you'll fall in love, Get up on and knee with a ring And then you too will be married, And maybe then start a family.蝴蝶,你会爱上,起床膝盖和环然后,你也将要结婚,也许然后开始一个家庭。

7." She' s wanting to get up on her feet, " says her brother.她想自己站起来,“琳奇的哥哥说。”

8.With "Satisfy and Delight" stitched on our leotards, we're determined to get up on the tightrope and start juggling principles.穿好绣着“满足和欣喜”的演出服,我们坚定地踏上了空中的钢丝,把十条方针次第抛起,尽力保持着平衡。

9.Harry never seems to get up on time!哈利似乎从来没有按时起来过!

10.Perhaps some day he'll learn to get up on time, but I really don't think so.也许有一天他会准时起床,但我真的不这么认为。
