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get wrong是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

get wrong


1.Expectation of life is a slippery figure, very easy to get wrong at the highest ages.人寿期望值是一个不可靠的数字,在估计最高年龄时特别容易出错。

2.Networking is a critical part of any job hunt, yet it's probably the easiest thing to get wrong.在找工作的过程中,社会交往是至关重要的一环,同时也可能是最容易出错的一环。

3.of life is a slippery figure, very easy to get wrong at the highest ages.人生的估计寿命是一个飘忽不定的数字,年龄越大越容易有误差。

4.It is mainly that I am too careless, the differential of meeting a lot of variables is very easy to get wrong .主要是我太粗心了,碰到了很多个变量的微分就很容易搞错了。

5.very easy to get wrong at the highest ages.在最高年龄上很容易弄错。

6.Perhaps one of the things that web designers often get wrong is font-sizes.也许一个网页设计师常常犯的错误就是使用不对的字体大小。

7.It's easy to get wrong.这么做容易出错。

8."One of the key things managers and labels can get wrong is rushing, " he says.“经纪人和唱片公司可能出问题的一个关键地方就是过于仓促,”他说道。

9.What we did get wrong, and we fully admit this, was which Jeff Buckley film he would be starring in.而我们不确定的是,正在投拍的两部杰夫·巴克利为主题的电影中,佩恩·贝格利将会参演哪一部。

10.The session could well have been called "Top Ten Things that Many Agile Coaches get Wrong" .可能这个演讲的主题被称之为“敏捷教练常犯的10大错误”也不错。
