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2023-09-14 英语词典


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1.干劲;进取心;魄力;胆量energy and determination to get things done


n.1.energy and enthusiasm

1.有进取心的 ... get up (1)装束, 打扮 get-up-and-go 有进取心的, 干劲足的 can't get it up for [美口]对...不感兴趣; 缺乏劲头 ...

2.精力 ... get-up-and-go1. (非正式)精力,热情,主动性 get someone with child1. (古)使女人怀孕 ...

3.积极的 get-up 装订, 精力, 打扮 get-up-and-go 积极的 geta 日本式木屐 ...

4.非正式劲头 ... zest 热情 get-up-and-go 非正式>劲头... bolt 门闩 ...


1.He began to feel it irksome and awkward, but still he sat on because he could not get up and go.他的心情感到沉重、局促不安,依旧一动也不动地坐在那里,因为他不能站起来,不能离开。

2.I was ready to get up and go when the man suddenly pushed back his chair, stood up and hurried out of the buffet.我正要起身离开时,那个男人突然推开椅子,急匆匆地走出了餐厅。

3.He attributes this partly to the competitive nature of Silicon Valley and its strong 'get-up-and-go' culture.他将此归因于硅谷的竞争氛围和他们自己“说干就干”的文化。

4.Mornings begin with the smell of my "get up and go fast" brew in the kitchen before I fly out the door on my way to a run or the gym.每天清晨在我冲出家门去跑步或者去健身房之前,我是闻着厨房的“起床快跑”的煮咖啡的清香开始的。

5.In the world, red is often considered a kind of color for get-up-and- go, while gold is generally regarded as the symbol of high - quality.世界范围内红色大都被认为是一种积极向上的颜色,而金色一般被视作高品质的象征。

6." Lazybones , get up and go to work! " I said to myself, rubbing my sleepy eyes. I jumped out of bed and dashed back to the beach.似乎老祖宗的金玉良言也在鞭策我。我揉了揉眼睛,猛然从床上蹦起,然后箭一般地冲向地中海海滩。

7.The city is crowded, my friends are away and I'm on my own. It's too hot to handle, so I gotta get up and go, and go.城市拥挤,朋友已经离去,只有我自我依靠。实在是太热了,所以我决定起床出去走,走。

8.Get up and go out to discover the rich and unique creativity in cultures from all over the globe and from across history.站起来然后走出去,去发现整个世界世界,穿越历史,感受世界的充实和各种文化独特的创造力。这是你的时代。

9.If he turned in his sleep, the pillow would roll away, waking him up so that he could get up and go on working.睡觉时一翻身,枕头就会滚走,将自己弄醒,好起床继续工作。

10.I get up and go and practice kyudo, a form of meditation through archery, and this takes up another hour of my day.我站起来去练弓道,弓道是一种通过箭术进行修炼的方式。练弓道占去一天中的另一个小时。
