giant wave
1.巨浪有限公司”秉着忠诚、信任、主动、创新、尊重、责任是巨浪(Giant Wave)团队的基础观念,长期以来,近100名经验丰富 …
2.巨波1引言畸形波(Freak Wave)也称凶波(Rogue Wave)或巨波(Giant Wave),是极值波浪的一种特殊形态。畸形波最直观的特点是具 …
造句带翻译释义:,巨浪,巨波1.Last week the plant's owners admitted that some of the rods had begun to melt after cooling systems were knocked out by the giant wave.上周核电站营运方承认,在反应堆冷却系统被巨浪破坏后,部分核燃料棒发生了熔毁。
2.The Pacific's tsunami warning system began to be set up after a giant wave struck Hawaii in 1946, killing more than 150 people.太平洋海啸警报系统是在1946年一次巨浪袭击了夏威夷并造成150多人死亡后开始建立的。
3.Crumbling markets, huge layoffs and widespread financial panic have unleashed a giant wave of creative yearnings.变得颤颤微微的市场,大量下岗还有大面积惊恐已经释放了一个创造力渴求的巨大浪潮。
4.It triggered a tsunami this giant wave out of the ocean.它引发了海洋的巨大海啸。
5.Springer Spaniel, Monty, 7, survives being dumped by a giant wave after loosing his ball on the beach at Pagham West Sussex.长毛垂耳狗蒙蒂,7岁,在西苏塞克斯郡帕格汉海滩打捞失球时被海浪狂卷之后逃脱。
6.She told NHK that they were on a third-floor balcony when the giant wave hit.她告诉日本广播协会巨浪打过来的时候,她们正在三楼的阳台。
7.One giant wave washed through an airport in Sendai, the capital of Miyagi, leaving 1, 300 people stranded on upper floors within.一个巨浪冲入宫城县省会仙台市的一个机场,1300人被困于内。
8.a giant wave; a giant impact.巨大的波浪;巨大的冲击力
9.Two weeks ago, a giant wave hit a coastal town in Korea and left 7 dead, 14 injured.两周前,巨浪袭击了韩国的一个沿海城镇,造成7人死亡,14人受伤。
10.Flies in the gorilla and the giant wave of attacks this 2 you will need a lot of time.在大猩猩和巨型苍蝇的这2波攻击你会需要很多时间。