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giant strides是什么意思_怎么读

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giant strides



1.迈大步 ... global hectares: 全球公顷 Giant Strides: 迈大步 chopping of strides: 小步跑 ...


1.At the last possible instant, he leaped from the train. He took two giant strides and grabbed the children.在千钧一发之际,他跳下火车,跨了两大步,一把抓住孩子们。

2.This coincidence enabled scientists to make giant strides in understanding the interaction of the solar wind with Jupiter.这个巧合使科学家能够取得了认识太阳风与木星相互作用的巨大进展。

3.Let us commit to keep moving forward together, turning small steps into giant strides for our peoples, our nations and the world.让我们共同承诺,为了我们两国人民,两个国家乃至全世界,我们要变小步为大步,不停步地携手共进。

4.Insustrial and agricultural productions are all making giant strides.工农业生产都在大踏步前进。

5.Science has leaped forward with giant strides. Oops!哦!科学的飞跃就像巨人前进那样迅速。

6.Follow the footsteps of their ancestors, despite the dawn of the new century, Liuzhuang Yaochang are giant strides toward a better tomorrow.踏着先人的足迹,迎着新世纪的曙光,刘庄窑厂正阔步走向美好的明天。

7.China is taking giant strides forward now.中国现在正以世俗般的步伐向前迈进。

8.They took giant strides forward.他们大踏步前进。

9.You have everything you need to make giant strides without making enemies.你拥有足够让你大踏步前进而不用树敌的一切条件。

10.Hold Opportunities, Make Reform and Innovation, Realize the Advance with Giant Strides抓住机遇,改革创新,实现我院跨越式发展
