give with
造句带翻译释义:1.Being able to give with a generous heart helps put money in perspective and can help rid you of insecure or negative feelings about money.拥有一颗慷慨的心会帮你把钱用在最需要它的地方,也能帮你消除对金钱的不安全感以及负面看法。
2.Giving is so much better than getting. Give with no expectation of getting something in return, and it becomes a purer, more beautiful act.给予而不期望得到回报,这将是更纯洁和美好的行为。
3.Cor. 14: 9 So also you, unless you give with the tongue a word easy to understand, how will what is being said be known?林前十四9你们也是如此,若不用舌头说容易明白的话,人怎能知道你所说的是什么?
4.The main advice I'd give with each of these strategies is to keep it relevant to your blog.关于以上五条我要说的最重要一点是,要保证这些内容与你blog的主题相关。
5.The second way is from the server side; how updates flow through the system and what guarantees systems can give with respect to updates.第二种是从服务器的角度;更新如何流经整个系统,系统对更新有何保证。
6.So all the cities which ye shall give to the Levites shall be forty and eight cities: them shall ye give with their suburbs.你们要给利未人的城,共有四十八座,连城带郊野都要给他们。
7.You cannot always keep on giving. You will be depleted if you give with the ego or the physical strength of an ordinary human being.我们不能总是一直不断地付出,如果我们是用我执和凡夫的体力来付出的话,总有一天我们会枯竭。
8.When we give with an open heart, we suddenly wake up from the 'Me-tape' and feel connected to others.当我们以开放的心态给予,我们会突然从“自我磁带”中清醒,并感觉到自己与他人的联系。
9.My advice that I give with lingering regret: avoid.但我不得不遗憾地建议:避免用它。
10.And there are those who give with pain, and that pain is their baptism .有些人以痛苦的心给予,那痛苦即是他们应得的洗礼。