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give warning是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-13 英语词典

give warning

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1.警告 ... 17. Give reasons 说明理由 18. Give warning 警告 19. Give way 让路,让 …

2.发出警告the event of (L. 32) 中国政府发出警告( give warning)如果战争爆发,将不会置之不理(sit by)。


1.When attacked, observe first, then give warning. The basic principle is to fight if possible to win, or to run if impossible.有小朋友进攻,学会审时度势,先正告一次,然后的基本原则就是,打得过就打,打不过就逃;

2.Others give warning that such a move would simply alienate potential buyers of GM cars, making the situation graver still.有的警告说这样做只会让通用汽车的潜在购买者心存疑虑,而使形势变得更严峻。

3.The researchers give warning that everyone should be at the lower end of the healthy weight range.研究人员警告说人人都应该把体重保持在最低的健康范围内。

4.Newspaper editorials often give warning of the difficulties of assimilation.报纸社论经常对同化的种种困难提出警告。

5.They give warning that man-made climate change is having "a significant impact on physical and biological systems globally" .他们发出警告称,人为因素造成的气候变化正对“全球的物理和生物系统造成显著影响”。

6.Mr Obama spoke with some eloquence, but used the occasion to give warning repeatedly of difficult times ahead and the need for sacrifice.虽然奥巴马先生发挥他良好的口才才能进行演讲,但是,利用这个机会,他一再发出“困难时期,需要做出牺牲”的警告。

7.And it led America's State Department to give warning on Monday September 14th of a "serious challenge to stability" in the region.此行还使得美国国家部门在九月十四日周一发出警告,要求注意该地区“严重威胁稳定的挑战”。

8.This, vows Mr Zuma, will change. "Police have no time to give warning shots. . . If they do, we will be burying a lot of police officers. "祖玛总统表示这一现状将被改变:“警员没有时间鸣枪示警……如果他们这么做,我们将会牺牲更多的警员。”

9.Give warning letter for staff abuse using of office equipment and machines.请针对员工滥用办公设备给予警告。一经发现即刻报告!

10.After the 1985 Ethiopian famine America's aid agency set up a Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS Net) to give warning of disasters.1985年埃塞俄比亚发生饥荒后,美国的援助机构成立了饥荒预警系统网以发出灾害预警。
