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2023-09-13 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡɪvəˌweɪ] 英式发音: ['ɡɪvə.weɪ]


网络释义:免费样品;抽奖复数:giveaways  同义词反义词






n.1.a movement, action, or expression on someones face that shows the truth about something or that lets you realize something that should be a secret2.a present that a company gives you to try to persuade you to buy things from them

adj.1.very inexpensive, or free

1.赠品 garment 服装,衣服 giveaways 赠品;免费样品 Ice carving 冰雕 ...

2.免费样品 ... 书 Books Giveaways 教育 Education ...

4.抽奖 ... 基础规则 Basic Rules: 抽奖 Giveaways 组抽奖 Group Giveaways ...


1.Brand awareness, product launches, employee incentives and giveaways are just a few uses for imprinted items .品牌意识,产品上市,员工奖励和赠品都只是几个用途烙印的项目。

2.With e-books still representing about 5 percent of the total book market, data on the effect of digital giveaways is still inconclusive.尽管电子书只占整个图书市场大约5%的份额,免费图书的影响还难以判断。

3.We are going to rid the tax code and of these loopholes and giveaways .我们将丢弃打着小孔和作为赠品的免税代码。

4.DO NOT use or distribute Olympic merchandise or tickets as business giveaways or competition prizes.不得以奥运会商品或门票作为商务赠品或比赛奖品派发给他人。

5.Lines aren't the only age giveaways. Dark spots and areas of pigmentation can give your complexion a dull, old appearance.皱纹并不是衰老的唯一痕迹,深色斑点和色素沉淀区域会让你的脸看上去毫无生气、老态龙钟。

6.Differences in the snout shapes and the appearance of the big, pointy teeth are dead, and I do mean dead, giveaways .吻形的差异与又大又尖的牙,就是铁证。这下真的玩完了,老实说。

7.I seem to get most of the contests and giveaways that way.我似乎得到了关于那方面的大部分的竞赛和免费样品。

8.But it is so weighed down with giveaways, loopholes and needless complexity that many environmentalists hesitate to support it.但这部法案对让步、漏洞和无关紧要的复杂性的过度忧虑导致许多环境学家都很犹豫是不是要支持它。

9.The resulting wide ranging series of initiatives include contests, giveaways, fundraising drives and events to benefit communities.这些创新性举措包括比赛,经验分享,资金募集和服务于社区的活动。

10.Exhibitor can provide premium or giveaways include DM, promotion material, discount coupon or order taken. Selling products are not allowed.参展单位得于参展摊位内进行促销活动(如提供宣传摺页、促销资料、优惠券、接受订餐或赠送纪念品等),但不得贩售商品。
