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give in是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-13 英语词典
giving in是give in的现在分词

give in

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网络释义:二放弃己见;退缩;屈服于第三人称单数:gives in  现在分词:giving in  过去式:gave in  过去分词:given in  


na.1.提出(文件等),交上2.屈服,退让 (to)3.宣布,表示

na.1.to stop competing or arguing and accept that you cannot win2.if you give in to something, you can no longer control the feeling of wanting it

1.屈服 ... Struggle. 斗争。 Giving in. 屈服。 Sycophancy and servile flattery. 如颜婢膝。 ...

2.二放弃己见 ... (一)接受合理的差异( acceptance of legitimate difference) (二)放弃己见giving in) (三)协调( nego…

3.退缩 ... GATHERING 聚精会神 ........... 150 GIVING IN 退缩 ............... 154 HIT…

4.屈服于 ... 4.get it over 我没法跟同学们讲清楚, 4.giving in 屈服于,当局并没有屈服于恐怖分子的妄想。 4.why 同位语从 …


1.How it works: It's easy to wonder whether you're giving in when you pick your baby up for the umpteenth time.对策:很想知道你在每次抱起你家宝宝的时候是否会感到无助。

2.And that change taught me that letting loose and giving in to a spur-of-the-moment1 idea is what life is all about.从这个改变中我学到,放松一下自己、随着一时的冲动干点傻事才是生活真谛之所在。

3.Over 7 or 14 days they recorded each time they felt like giving in to a temptation or a bad habit they were trying to get rid of.在7或14天中,他们每当想要向他们当初决定摆脱的引诱或习惯屈服的时候,他们就记录下来。

4.It includes "not giving in to peer pressure, becoming self-aware and using that self-awareness to self-adjust as necessary, " he said.它包括“不要屈服于朋友的压力,要有主见。必要时,要用自己的想法来调整自己。”

5.The Roman patricians were clever enough to beat every such potential tyrant by giving in to a certain extent to the plebeians.罗马贵族非常狡猾,他们对平民作出一定程度的让步以打击每一个这样的潜在的霸主。

6.Gift-giving in China is often about showing off status and storing up goodwill that might one day produce favours.在中国,送礼常常是炫耀地位、储备人情以便将来不时之需。

7.The dark represents giving in to self-judgment, self-hatred, negative thinking and fear.黑暗代表着屈服于自我评判,自我憎恨,负面思想和恐惧。

8.He faded out a little as the match wore on, however he should be commended for never giving in, despite the one-sided score line.随着比赛的进行,他的表现略显失色,但他仍应为从没放弃得到赞赏,尽管比分一边倒。

9.However, then the bully has large size or a vicious temperament, many will avoid taking him on, rather giving in to demands.然而,恃强欺弱者自大且性情邪恶,许多人避免接纳他,而非向其所做的要求妥协。

10.Finally giving in, he thought he would play the company at their own game and mailed them a check for $0. 00.出于无奈,他只好和他们玩起了属于公司的游戏,他寄给他们一张0美元的支票。
