giving birth
2.分娩 ... 伦敦 London 分娩 Giving Birth 台湾 Taiwan ...
3.宝宝降生 企业活动 Activies 宝宝降生 Giving birth 亲友聚会 Party ...
4.黑猫生子 ... 1.The Yorkshire Christmas Cat 最好的圣诞礼物 2.Giving Birth 黑猫生子 4.Being aNewMotherCat 初为…
5.生日礼物 ... responding to Nature 回应自然 giving birth 生日礼物 enjoying extravagance 享受奢侈 ...
6.罕见的化石记录 good deal of the gap.1 1考古学 giving birth.1 4罕见的化石记录 ...
7.天禀在奇人辈出从上赛季对太阴暴扣德拉(Della)季奇,顺带(Incidentally,)头颅撞篮板来看,玫瑰同窗的天禀在奇人辈出(Giving birth)的NBA也实 …
8.医学术语医学术语 (giving birth) 分娩,生产n
造句带翻译释义:,生产,分娩,宝宝降生1.She's still weak after giving birth to you - and she's a long way from her homeland, France, and her powerful family.你刚刚出生,所以你母亲的身体还很虚弱,虽然她在法国的家族很有权势,但是毕竟离你的国家太为遥远。
2.Researchers found a quarter of mums-to-be who exercised regularly were able to kick the habit before giving birth.研究人员发现,有四分之一的准妈妈在生育之前通过规律性的锻炼可以戒掉吸烟的毛病。
3.MUMS can return to work within a year of giving birth without harming their babies' development, a landmark US report shows.美国一份具有里程碑意义的研究报告显示,在孩子出生一年内重返职场并不会影响孩子未来的发展。
4."We were dedicated to showing photos and drawings of the WHOLE woman giving birth, not just a part of her, " Pincus wrote.“我们致力于展示女性分娩的整个过程,并绘制出来,并不只是其中的一部分,”平古斯写道道。
5.'Giving birth to sons, by contrast, seems to make people more likely to vote for a right-wing party. '相反,生下儿子似乎使人更可能投票给右翼政党。
6.Their conclusion will provide comfort for thousands of women who re-enter the employment market within a year of giving birth.他们的结论使成千上万产后一年内再次进入劳动力市场的女性如释重负。
7.Veterinarians decided to raise the cub when his mother abandoned him ten days after giving birth.Veterinarians决定养育这头出生后10天被母亲抛弃的幼虎。
8.When ambulance staff arrived they saw the girl was on the point of giving birth and rushed her to a nearby building where she had her baby.当医护人员人员赶到时,他们发现该女孩正处在分娩点,就赶紧把她送到附近的大楼里,在那里她顺利产下她的孩子。
9.Giving birth to sons, by contrast, seems to make people more likely to vote for a rightwing party.相反,人们在有儿子后会更大程度支持右翼党派。
10.It would account for the same woman or sisters giving birth to the children as a result of the brothel.这就解释了深陷勾栏的同一个女人或同为姊妹的女人生下了这些孩子。