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giving way是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-13 英语词典

giving way



1.让路 Get out of my ashtray 我的烟灰缸 Giving away,giving way 赠送,让路 Got nothing to say 有什么可说 …



1.My conscious visualizations started giving way to a stream of unconscious imagery, and I could see I was beginning to enter a dream state.我的意识想象开始摒弃一系列无意识的意象,我感觉到自己正进入一种梦的状态。

2.But he took her hand, and the contact thrilled her; her senses were giving way, and she almost tottered.他只是握住她一只手,这种接触使她感到毛骨悚然;她失去了知觉,几乎是在蹒跚而行。

3.At the end of the game I could feel my legs giving way at the end of the game, but this is just a question of time.在比赛的最后我感到我的腿有点不听使唤,但这只是时间问题。

4.The violence of her emotion made her set her teeth, as if were, against giving way.她的感情之激烈使她咬紧牙关,不愿屈服。

5.So it is with some sadness that I note that America's age of indulgence seems to be giving way to an era of frugality.因此我略带遗憾地意识到,美国的放纵时代似乎正让位给节俭时代。

6.In a way, it was his fault for giving way to his wife every time.在某种程度上,每次给他的妻子让步是他的错。

7.He sat down in front of the grave for two, the lush summer grass giving way beneath him.他在这座为两人修建的坟墓前坐下,夏日茂盛的草在他身下让出一席之地。

8.The latter seems to be giving way to SOAP, which has support for message-oriented as well as procedural approaches.后者似乎将让位给SOAP,SOAP支持面向消息的方法和过程方法。

9.When the rear-guard of his army retreated, the front giving way too.当他的后卫撤走,前方也在败退。

10.We rarely give up in line or on the subway or bus. Locked into our automobiles, we prefer gridlock to giving way.大家总是在车辆拥挤或排队时不肯放弃位置,宁愿把自己锁在轿车里,堵住交通不能动,也决不退出。
