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2023-09-13 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡlimɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈɡliːmɪŋ]








1.闪耀的;明亮的shining brightly

gleaming white teeth皓齿



adj.1.shiny, clean, and looking very healthy or new

v.1.the present participle of gleam

1.闪闪发光的 glaze 釉 gleaming 闪闪发光的 glean 拾落穗,收集(材料等) ...

2.明晃晃 明光瓦亮〖 verybright〗 明晃晃gleaming;shining〗 明鉴〖 brightmirror〗 ...

3.闪亮的 generate up to 增加 gleaming 闪亮的 transform 改变 ...

4.闪烁的 excursion 短途旅行 gleaming 发微光的,闪烁的 cobble 大鹅卵石,圆石 ...

5.隐约闪光的 ... c. strong (强壮的,坚定的), a. gleaming (隐约闪光的,发微光的), b. shining (发光的,光亮 …

6.发亮的 bald a. 秃头的,无毛的 gleaming a. 闪光的,发亮的 rap v. 敲打, 敲击 ...


1."I suppose you're right. " he said, his eyes gleaming with emotion.“我看你是对的,”他说着,神情激动,眼睛闪光。

2.invited me to his home for dinner. The family had a cook in a white uniform who worked in a kitchen of gleaming chrome and shining utensils.索尔常常邀请我到他家吃晚饭。他们家有一个身穿白色制服的厨师,厨房里铬钢的厨具光洁锃亮。

3.Off went the mail at a canter down the dark road; the lamps gleaming brightly, and the horn awakening all the echos wide and far.邮车沿着黑黝黝的公路缓缓驶去,车灯闪闪发光喇叭声激起四面八方一片回响。

4.China may have acquired the gleaming trappings of a modern industrial economy, but it has not developed the governance systems to match.中国或许已经披上了现代工业经济的华丽外衣,但它还没有发展出与之配套的治理机制。

5.Instead, with no control at all, the airship spirals off into the darkness of space, the distant stars gleaming at it silently.它完全失去了控制,旋转着冲入外层空间的黑暗中,遥远的群星注视着它,沉默。

6.Prints of the gleaming white Cape Coast Castle made it look like a European palace; there was no hint at its real role.印刷品上闪闪发光的海岸角奴隶城堡看起来就像是座欧洲宫殿。上面没有丝毫的暗示透露其真实身份。

7.Its gleaming sands and backdrop of pine woods and distant hills give it a pleasant and restful atmosphere.这儿沙滩闪烁,松林掩映,远山连绵,自有一种心旷神怡的气氛。

8.The sea also means long stretches of jagged rock and gleaming white beaches to which millions of city people go on summer holidays.海洋又意味着绵延不断的嵯峨岩石和阳光灿烂的白色海滩,每到夏天千百万人从城市来到这里渡假。

9.There the waves were, boiling up in snowy spouts of spray, smiting and gnashing their crests together like the gleaming teeth of hell.翻腾着的波浪就象一锅喷着雪白水泡的沸水,而簇拥在一起的浪尖,简直就是地狱里白森森的獠牙了。

10.The pallor of him gleaming slightly in the semidarkness.他的苍白在昏暗中微微地闪耀着。
