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2023-09-13 英语词典


美式发音: ['gleɪzə] 英式发音: ['gleɪzə]





1.格雷泽 glazed 光滑的 glazer 上釉工人 glazier 装玻璃工人 ...

3.上光机 glazed yarn 上光纱 glazer 上光机 glazer's diamond 玻璃刀 ...

4.格莱泽家族 Glycosmis 山小橘属 glazer沾糖浆机;挂糖衣机 ② 碾米机;精碾机 glazing ① (食物外)包冰釉〔或 …


1.Manchester United has been something of a paradox since the Glazer family took over the club in 2005.自2005年格雷泽家族接管曼联以来,曼联俱乐部(的许多举措)就有点儿自相矛盾。

2.The proof which is due to Glazer, is at least as beautiful as the theorem and it is considerably more surprising.格雷泽所给出的这个证明至少与定理本身一样绝妙,而且使人更加惊奇。

3.The colours of Newton Heath have become the focal point of a growing anti-Glazer campaign, aimed at ousting United's owners.这颜色是反对格雷泽阵营的标志色,目的是为了赶走这个曼联的拥有者。

4.The responsibility falls on an unnamed group that has ties with the LUHG (Love United, Hate Glazer) campaign.事故的责任落在一个无名组织上,该组织与一起名为“爱曼联,反美帝(LoveUnited,HateGlazer)”的活动有密切的关系。

5.That dual-share structure would allow the Glazer family to retain control of the football club after the IPO.曼联希望年底前完成这次IPO,双重股权结构可以让格拉泽家族保持对曼联的控制权。

6."In the short run, U. S. equities and fixed income might benefit on a relative basis, " Glazer said.“短线而言,美国股市和固定收益资产可能相对受益较大,”Glazer说。

7.Jonathan Glazer has a distinctive visual style, and he is in no hurry.祖纳芬基里沙拥有独特的视觉型格,他并不急于在短时间内表达一切。

8.Now, the Glazer family have confirmed he was readmitted seven days later after another stroke.现在,格拉泽家族确认在第二次中风之后他会在医院里呆7天。

9.These discussions are in early stages and no contact has been made with the Glazer Family.谈判还在初级阶段,和格拉泽家族没有联系。

10.Mr. Glazer says potential landlords need to remember that there are two parts to the investment calculation.格莱斯先生指出潜在的房东需要记得对这两项进行投资计算。
