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2023-09-13 英语词典


美式发音: [ɡleɪzd] 英式发音: [ɡleɪzd]








1.木然的;呆滞的showing no feeling or emotion; dull

eyes glazed with boredom厌倦无神的眼睛


adj.1.made of glass or decorated with glass2.decorated or protected by a smooth shiny top layer3.a glazed look or expression shows no interest or emotion

v.1.The past participle and past tense of glaze

1.光滑的 glazed fruit 蜜饯 glazed 光滑的 glazer 上釉工人 ...

2.上釉 3368003 Pottery,blackware 陶器,黑色的 3368004 Pottery,glazed 陶器,上釉的 3368005 Pottery,unglazed 陶器,未上釉的 ...

4.表面光滑的 欺人的表面 gloss 表面光滑的 glazed 粗糙表面 pebble ...

5.呆滞的 梦幻般的: dreamy 呆滞的: glazed 柔和的: gentle ...

6.上过釉的 ... 2235 warehouse n. 仓库,货栈 2236 glazed adj. 上过釉的,表面光滑的 2238 glean v. 点滴搜集;拾 ...

7.有光 反光 Contrast Ratio 有光 Glazed 无光 Unglazed ...

8.糖渍的 May I come in? 我能进来吗? glazed 糖渍的,挂糖衣的 per glass 每杯 ...


1.There was a silence, Chloe's eyes glazed, then abruptly she stood up and walked into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.一阵寂静,克洛艾的眼睛黯淡了。她突然站起来走进卧室,砰地一声关上门。

2.Then he sat back in a crouch, legs shaking a little. His eyes, glazed and half-shut, stared blankly at the floor.然后他屈膝蹲在了后面,腿还有点发抖,玻璃般半睁的眼睛茫然地盯着地上看。

3.But his strength ebbed, his eyes glazed, and he knew nothing when the train was flagged and the two men threw him into the baggage car.当信号旗使火车停下来,这两个人把他扔进行李厢时,他已神志不清了。

4.Buckram: A strong fabric made of jute, Cotton or linen, glazed and stiffened by size or glue used for book covers.一种结实的布。用黄麻,棉或亚麻造成。上光和加胶使表面挺实。作书皮用。

5.Purity is always cherished mostly in people's hearts. For life, the pure color glazed tile is the best choice to break this kind of style.纯净,永远使人们心中最后固守的心灵包裹。对于生活来说,纯色瓷砖无疑是打破这种风格的最好选择。

6.With just a few exceptions, only the gable ends are glazed, and the structural volumes seem to have been shaped with an extrusion press.这些模块房子只有山墙面是采光的,侧墙外观效果则像是机械冲床挤压而成的。

7.Finally, get stocked up for your Easter feast, starting with one of our glazed hams in the meat department.最后,为了让您的复活节大餐更丰盛,请参考我们肉品区具光泽的火腿。

8.The hill was now directly in front of us, and on top of it, glazed tiles sparkling in the sun, was the old temple.那座山就在我们前面,而山顶那片在阳光下发光的琉璃瓦就是古庙的所在。

9.Happy for a place to be out of the cold, some have the glazed look of pensioners playing slots at Las Vegas.这些人乐得有一个地方避寒,其中有些人眼神放光,就像在拉斯维加斯玩老虎机的美国退休者。

10.a commercial system must be able to verify their prints even if their fingers are positioned sloppily or speckled with glazed sugar.对于一般的商用系统,即使手指放的位置很随便,或是因为沾到糖渍而反光,也必须能够识别使用者的指纹。
