美式发音: [ɡlɪblɪ] 英式发音: [ɡlɪblɪ]adj.顺利地
1.流利地 glib 口齿伶俐的 glibly 流利地 glide 滑行 ...
2.流畅地 ... pundit n. 空谈家, 权威性的评论者 glibly adv. 流利地, 流畅地 conceptualize v. 使有概念 ...
3.满口 满口 mouthful 满口 glibly;mouthful 一点点食物 have just a ~ of lunch ...
4.口若悬河 garrulous;loquacious;talkative 贫嘴 glibly;loquacious;nimble of speech 口若悬河 Your father is loquacious 尊君健谈 ...
5.能言善道 ... responsable 有责任感 glibly 能言善道 1.generous[ 慷慨,,大方] ...
造句带翻译释义:,顺利地,流利,流利地,流畅地,满口1.The Journal's write-up of that meeting would later glibly refer to Mr. Romney as "Consultant in Chief. "随后,《华尔街日报》对该次会面的报道巧妙地把罗姆尼称作“总咨询师”。
2.To speak too glibly about unconditional acceptance appears to encourage careless and disobedient living.过分轻易地说无条件接纳可能会鼓励轻率和不顺服的生活方式。
3.Some young people talk glibly about their belief in the Three People's Principles or in Marxism, but this does not prove anything.有些青年,仅仅在嘴上大讲其信仰三民主义,或者信仰马克思主义,这是不算数的。
4.Asked about Citigroup's stock price dipping below $1 a share, a senior executive glibly responded: 'Maybe the Citi finally sleeps.当被问到对花旗股价跌破1美元的看法时,一位高管圆滑地回答说,或许花旗终于睡着了。
5.The U-boat crews glibly called it the "Second Happy Time" and the "American Shooting Season" .艇成员们高兴地称这为“第二段美好时期”和“美洲狩猎季节”。
6.she talked glibly of anatomy and construction , planes and lines.她滔滔不绝地谈着人体解剖和结构,平面与线条。
7.They talked glibly about unity but never did anything to advance it.他们大谈团结,却没有作任何事来促进团结。
8.To speak or chatter glibly and rapidly.喋喋不休流利且快速地讲述或饶舌
9.She glibly ad-libbed anything that popped into her head.她从容不迫地穿插了她偶然想到的话。
10.At merely 51 of Japan's 211 missions overseas, government auditors counted 35, 000 bottles, rather glibly calling the hoarding "excessive" .只211家日本驻外机构中的51家,审计员就清点出3万5千瓶,已这不是简单的“超额”贮存。