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2023-09-13 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡlɪs(ə)n] 英式发音: ['glɪstnɪŋ]


网络释义:金闪闪;闪耀的;闪光第三人称单数:glistens  现在分词:glistening  过去式:glistened  同义词




v.1.if sth. glistens, it shines because it is wet or covered with oil

1.金闪闪 金沙江〖 JinshaRiver〗 金闪闪glistening〗 金圣叹〖 JinShengtan〗 ...

2.闪耀的 Glinting: 波光粼粼的 Glistening闪耀的,反光的 Iridescent: 彩虹色的 ...

3.闪光 ... glisten 闪烁,闪耀. glistening 白花花的 glossary 字典,辞典,词汇表 ...

5.亮晶晶的 ... pantheist: 泛神论者 | 表演者 glistening: 闪耀的 | 亮晶晶的 | 反光的 labia: 阴唇 | 唇 | 萨拉比亚 ...

6.闪烁著光辉 ... Stars are slipping down,glistening 星辰正在滑落,闪烁著光辉 leaving now 我试著不去思考我现在要离去 ...

7.闪亮的 pitch-black 漆黑的,极黑的 glistening 闪耀的,闪亮的 parlor 客厅 ...


1.His jumping up and down, his whoops, his huge grin, and his sweat glistening in the colored lights that traveled as if they were alive.他的向上和向下跳,他的糟糕,他的巨大的笑容,他的汗水闪闪发光的颜色灯光的旅行如他们还活着。

2.After a moment she looked up with a slow smile, her eyes glistening with tears.过了一会儿她抬起头来慢慢一笑,眼里闪着泪光。

3.Waiting with her mother at the checkout stand, she saw them: a circle of glistening white pearls in a pink foil box.她正和妈妈在收银台旁排队等候交钱,忽然,她看见一串闪闪发光的白珍珠,装在一个粉红色的金属盒里。

4.Looking at the screen that the money, no one glistening not to be tempted.看着银幕上那白花花的银子,没有人不动心的。

5.He gave a tug at a glistening , pale piece of her hair.他拉了拉安娜一缕暗淡闪光的头发。

6.What could have put it in my head, but the glistening of a tear as it dropped on her work?我脑袋里怎么会有那个念头的?明明一颗亮晶晶的泪珠滴在了她的针线活儿上。

7.With the blade of her fork she presses down, punctures, gashes, saws, seesaws, slices into a plump, glistening pasta packet.她用银叉的锐侧按胤压,刺破,又割又锯,把光润的意大利面食分成小块。

8.When the night curtain falls, the ice lanterns gently glow, with a spectrum of gorgeous colors glistening against the dark sky.夜幕降临之时,冰灯开始绚烂夺目,华彩照亮了夜空。

9.It was a warm summer evening, and I found the night sky, with its glistening stars, relaxing to watch.那是个暖和的夏夜,我看到群星闪烁的夜空正悠悠闲闲地瞧着我们五个人。

10.These glistening droplets last only a little while, an integral part of what imbues the early morning with its aura of magic.着细细碎碎的亮光只会持续一会儿,而这一小会就足以使一早上浸透了魔法的味道。
