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2023-09-13 英语词典


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网络释义:闪烁第三人称单数:glints  现在分词:glinting  过去式:glinted  同义词





v.1.to shine with quick flashes of light2.if someones eyes glint, they show a strong emotion such as anger

n.1.a quick flash of light2.a sudden quick appearance of a strong emotion such as anger in someones eyes

1.闪烁 自身( Local) Glinting 闪烁 Burnished 磨光 ...


1.Then the very water of that pool gleams beautifully, as though with moonlight, by the glinting light of that gem.接着那个湖里的所有的水都泛着美丽的光,尽管在月光下,由于这个宝石闪闪发光。

2.I remember one farmer, the light of large profits glinting in his eyes, enthusing about the long term future of the crop.我记得一位农民,他对黄豆种植的前景非常乐观,眼睛里闪着巨大收益带来的光彩。

3.There was the aura of limitless freedom distilled from the rolling sweep of all green swaying and glinting in the wind and sun.在阳光下微风拂拭中波动起伏的高高绿草给人以无限自由的气息。

4.All that savage grandeur , the steely glinting hooves , the eruptions driven from the creature's mighty innards.所有这些野蛮宏伟,闪闪发光的钢铁般蹄,从动物的内脏强大驱动的爆发。

5.The cat had two sharp ears and two large eyes glinting with green light. It's face was small. So, I thought it was a mother cat.这只猫有两只又高又尖的耳朵,两只大眼睛发出幽幽的绿光。它的脸比较小,所以我推断它是一只母猫。

6.Glinting in the sun, it drew their eyes as they swigged their bottles of juice.它在阳光下闪闪发亮,正在痛饮南瓜汁的罗恩和赫敏被吸引住了。

7.Our house seemed to bend the very cold and glinting air around it, like a small cloud of heat.我们的家像是一小片火热的云,改变着周围那寒气袭人的天气。

8.The fabulous, careful beat balances a glinting series of keyboard puffs against what sounds like a gun cocking.华丽的,精细的节奏平衡了如同枪击一样的重击音。

9.with the first cock crow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures.金鸡初啼,黎明鸟语,那闪烁着朝晖的树木和草原的景色。

10.In the remarkable photo, the glinting station also offers a hint of the bluish reflection of earthlight .在这张显著的影像里,闪亮的空间站还反射了地球反照光的蓝色辉光。
