getting even
1.扯平 3.The Sitter 临时保姆 4.Getting Even 加倍报复 5.The Visit 做客 ...
3.即使在入门 ... 1909 儿童的好友 The Children's Friend 1909 即使在入门 Getting Even 1909 破碎的盒 The Br…
4.平均主义 ... Psychocannibals 食人 Getting Even 平均主义 ( K;p. P1 Bureaucracy 官僚风 ...
5.侵犯者行为的心理功能之一是希望以非武力的手 段报复、惩罚侵犯者(getting even),令对方 道歉或停止侵犯,也令受伤害者得到 …
6.凝眸深处凝眸深处 (GETTING EVEN) (1) Publisher Magazine All Action/Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Romance Sci-fi Mystery His…
造句带翻译释义:,扯平,加倍报复,即使在入门1.She had an anxious hour of waiting for her child and was getting even more anxious .她焦急地等待她的孩子已有一个钟头,并且愈等愈着急。
2.Although Joyon was sailing a much faster boat than the previous record-holder, most saw little chance of him getting even close to 80 days.尽管茹瓦永驾驶的帆船比前世界记录保持者的快的多,但是大多数人都认为他不太可能在近80天内完成航海。
3.I don't really advise getting even, but I do recommend you think about what you might do if the friend comes begging back.我并不是真的建议报复,但我推荐你想想万一朋友又回来怎么办。
4.He has been fantastic for us this season - he seems to be getting even better with age.他一直表现很出本赛季-在这个年龄他似乎正越踢越越好了。
5.As he was dying of cancer in 2000, Schulz, aged 77, was still talking about getting even with the bullies of his youth.2000年,77岁的舒尔兹因患癌症,处在弥留之际。但他仍说要和自己年轻时的那个恶棍形象算账。
6.Considering China's cities are getting even more congested, this convenient shopping technique is going to continue to grow.因为中国的城市很拥挤,用一个更舒适的方法购物的技术会持续发展。
7.As you can see, the process of getting even one protocol up and running in your lab can take a significant amount of time.正如你看到的,获得一个协议并在您实验室执行,都将需要大量的时间。
8.When you think about it, resentment -- getting even -- is a waste.当你有这种念头时——愤恨--报复--那就是一种浪费生命。
9.In this dangerous marital game, nothing is sweeter than getting even and the only thing that counts is winning.在充满风险的婚姻游戏中,没有什么比风平浪静更甜蜜,重要的是要双赢。
10.Talk of "fighting" may appeal to professional activists, but it offends those who are more interested in getting on than getting even.劳务冲突也许能够吸引专业的积极分子参与进来,但是它却会触犯那些不热衷打击报复,而只想和平相处之士。