getting in on the act
1.参与到某种活动中 unromantic 不浪漫的 getting in on the act 参与到某种活动中 shopoholics 购物狂 ...
2.被当场捉住 ... 1. 民事法律行为 catch in the act 1. 被当场捉住 getting in on the act ...
造句带翻译释义:,参与到某种活动中,被当场捉住1.Now a number of his partners are getting in on the act as well.现在他的一些合作伙伴也已经开始加入了他的行列。
2.Everyone from the president to the commonest crook and blogger is getting in on the act.全国上上下下从总统到骗子还有网络写手们都在泡菜危机中做号准备。
3.Even the free-market Nordics are getting in on the act, with Sweden putting together a rescue package for its car industry.就连崇尚自由市场的北欧也参与了进来——瑞典为它的汽车业设计了一个救助方案。
4.Big-box retailers are getting in on the act, too: K-Mart, Best Buy and Walmart all offer bill-paying stations to their unbanked customers.巨型零售商也加入了这一行列:K市场,百思买集团和沃尔玛都提供为为办理银行业务的顾客设立了代付站点。
5.The Shanghai Expo theme is sustainable urban living, and many countries are getting in on the act.上海世博会的主题是可持续的城市生活,许多国家已经开始行动了。
6.Even those gas-guzzlers from Formula One motor racing are getting in on the act.甚至那些耗油巨大的一级方程式赛车也行动起来了。
7.Listed developers aren't interested in getting in on the act.上市开发商对参与其中不感兴趣。
8.Even public broadcasters are getting in on the act.甚至公共广播公司也纷纷效仿。
9.Business schools are also getting in on the act.商学院也加入了这一行动。
10.Now other retailers are getting in on the act.现在,其他零售商也纷纷加入这一行列。