getting rid of
1.这一家正在灭鼠 ... 9.getting rid of (这一家正在灭鼠。) 10.was turned off (我很讨厌邻居家的噪音。) ...
2.去除暴安良想当方丈的神父,不是好道长!师父让你下山,也是让你去除暴安良(Getting rid of),框扶正理啊。你下山今后,有很多良友…
造句带翻译释义:,甩掉,摆脱,把…赶走,这一家正在灭鼠,去除暴安良1.Because if you were, I'd have to seriously think about getting rid of him.因为若真是这样我就要认真考虑怎样除掉他了
2.The young worker found a lot of shortcomings in himself and he set about getting rid of it.那位青年工人发现身上有不少缺点,就着手进行改正。
3.You won't believe how much stuff I'm getting rid of.你都不会相信我得扔掉多少东西。
4.Or, not inconceivably getting rid of him.或,不可思议地除掉他。
5.He talked of the advisability of getting rid of him.他总是谈谈赶掉他的好处。
6.Used in waste paper pulping system for getting rid of a large quantity of light impurities and a small quantity heavy impurities in pulper.用于废纸制浆系统中除去碎浆机中的大量轻质及少量重质杂物。
7.Instead, it was changing some of the hemoglobin to the gold-containing variety and getting rid of it by way of eggshell.相反,它把部分血红蛋白变成了含金的变体,并通过蛋壳排出体外。
8.But getting rid of excessive reactive oxygen or a limited effect of some sort of scavenger might be a good idea.但清除过多的活性氧或某种清除剂的有限影响可能是个好主意。
9.If, God forbid, another Mao were to seize the reins, there would be no mechanism for getting rid of him.如果,上帝保佑,另外一个毛泽东掌握了大局,那么就再也没有任何机制可以摆脱他了。
10.If you're planning on getting rid of an old computer, make sure you remove the hard drive first and smash it up with a hammer.如果你打算扔掉这台旧电脑,首先确定你是否摘除了硬件并用锤子砸碎了它。