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getting well是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

getting well



1.逐渐康复 be on the way to recovery/ getting well 逐渐康复 His tears witnessed the shame he felt. 他的眼泪说明他感到羞愧。 ...


1."There is a strong pipeline across the street [investment banks] but much of it is getting well seasoned, " Mr Woodthorpe says.伍德索普认为:“整个行业(指投资银行)中在等待中的IPO很多,但其中多数被晾了很长时间。”

2.But after getting well over a hundred e-mails asking how to do what I do, I decided to solve the problem by creating How To Live Anywhere.但当我收到几百封电子邮件,向我询问我如何做到我做的事情时,我决定通过创造“如何能够在任何地方生活”来解决这一问题。

3.Since the reform in countryside, villagers have been getting well off, only Biaojiuye's family was getting poorer and poorer.农村改革后,村子里的日子慢慢好过了,唯独表舅爷家是越过越穷。

4.It was better being in an environment where I could focus on getting well, do my training and have no distractions. It worked very well.能够在一个让我集中精力康复的地方很好,我可以每天不分心的进行康复训练。

5.The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.我们每一个人体内自然的助力是复原的最大力量。

6.We were making good progress, and getting well paid, so I never really considered the dangers.我们进展不错,报酬颇丰,所以我从不认真考虑存在的危险。

7.Do you love children ? or do the children getting well with you ?你喜欢孩子吗?你和孩子们相处友好吗?

8.I scraped myself off the floor, focused on getting well, and then dove in with complete focus on one goal at a time.我爬了起来,把注意力放在康复上,然后一心一意把全部的精力一次仅仅放在某一个目标上。

9.I wish you a speedier than speedy recovery. Just concentrate on getting well and don't worry about a thing.愿你尽早康复,把精神集中在康复上,不必为任何事苦恼。

10.It is getting well recently, but we have not been out of the woods.最近不错,但是我们还没有全完摆脱困难。
