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give orders是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

give orders

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1.发出命令 carry out orders 执行命令 give orders 发出命令 28. in conclusion 总之 29. ...

2.下命令 keep order 维持秩序 give orders 下命令 take orders 接受命令 ...

3.下令 下劣[ mean] 下令[ direct;give orders] 下流[ lower reaches] ...

4.发布命令 22 toe 脚趾 1 give orders 发布命令 2 try to follow the orders 试着跟从命令 ...

5.授命 使命[ mission] 授命[ give orders] 送命[ lose one’s life;get killed] ...


7.发号施令 Inspire fear 散布恐惧 Give Orders 发号施令 Assign the task 指派工作 ...

8.发命令 at a PE lesson 在一节体育课上 give orders 发命令 follow the orders 遵从命令 ...


1.It is presumptuous of him to give orders. = He is presumptuous to give orders.他居然下令,真是太放肆了。

2.I actually pulled him aside and told him that I found it more productive to ask people for help than to give orders.我私下忠告他,与其发号施令,不如请求别人帮助,这样办事会更有效果。

3.When the inspector returned, he was straight-backed and solemn, like someone ready to give orders.当所长回来的时候,他身板挺直,表情严肃,象任何将要发布命令的长官一样。

4.So give orders that cedars of Lebanon be cut for me. My men will work with yours, and I will pay you for your men whatever wages you set.所以求你吩咐你的仆人在黎巴嫩为我砍伐香柏木,我的仆人也必帮助他们,我必照你所定的,给你仆人的工价;

5.Well, she hears of my plans only a few minutes or so before I give orders to carry them out.嗯,我每次下令执行计划几分钟之前她才知道这些计划。

6.Thomson was very cool and collected. He began to give orders.汤姆森沉着冷静,开始下达命令。

7.We're still trying to give orders, and interfering with God's work within us.我们仍在向神发号施令,干扰阻碍神在我们中间的工作。

8.We do not give orders . . . yet we KNOW of the solutions th support following whsupport FEELS correct and comforting to your soul can evoke.我们不会赐与强迫命令…但是我们知道便宜随着这些无误感受的到来,不妨安抚你的灵魂并向进步发。

9.And give orders that Aaron and his sons are to keep their place as priests; any strange person who comes near is to be put to death.你要嘱咐亚伦和他的儿子、谨守自己祭司的职任.近前来的外人必被治死。更详细。

10.The Manager's job is to give orders and get things done in line with the company's requirements.经理的职责就是根据公司的需求下达命令,督促工作的完成。
