give power
1.给力 盘点 Summarize 给力 Give power 推荐 Recommand ...
造句带翻译释义:,给力1.Despite its growing insignificance, this pattern has you locked into beliefs that give power to the dark.尽管旧世界的力量不断退却,但这个旧世界的模式让你们将力量交与黑暗势力。
2.Among campaigners for political change, it is agreed that universal suffrage is not enough to give power to the people.呼吁社会变革的活动家已经达成共识,普选不足以赋权于民。
3.I will empower you to one end alone: to give power back to the people of Rome, and end the corruption that has crippled it.我授权给你,目的只有一个:把权力交还能罗马人民,并消除削弱罗马的营私舞弊。
4.Negative space serves to give power to the small bits of information that it surrounds.负空间给周围小的信息以力量。
5.I will empower you to one end alone, to give power to the people of Rome, and end the corruption that had crippled it.你将得到我的全部授权,结束危害罗马的贪污腐败,将权利归还给罗马的人民。你愿意接受我授予你的这项荣誉么?
6.Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility.排名并不赋予特权或权力。而是责任。
7.if owners and managers lack character and competence , they won ' t give power and profit and recognition to others.如果董事长和经理的品格不好,个人能力不够,就不会把权力、利益和荣誉让给别人。
8.And who's responsible? Designers. Give power to designers.而这些转变是谁的职责呢?是设计师。
9.But Mr Cameron was talking about frayed social fabrics and the need to give power away before the fiscal crisis.但是,卡梅伦先生曾谈论瓦解的社会关系,以及在金融危机前交出权利的需要。
10.I beg you to give power to the LDP, so we can complete the recovery.我恳求你们让自由民主党执政,因此我们能够完成国家复苏。