gets top
造句带翻译释义:1.Denmark gets top rankings for life satisfaction and its the amount of buildings it has up to basic standards.丹麦因生活满意度和达到基本标准的房屋数而进入排名。
2.Although the adjunct, who has a master's degree, gets top ratings from his students, he doesn't get raises.虽然这个兼职教授拥有硕士学位,从他的学生获得最高评论,但是他并没有得到加薪。
3.The Netherlands gets top marks for its building facilities and its work hours.荷兰因其建筑设施和工作时间而获得高分。
4.The night's track and field events had ended except for the women's pole vault, a sport that rarely gets top-billing.晚上举行的田径赛事除了女子撑杆跳高以外的其它项目都已经结束。
5.Another store that gets top marks for swift service is the Irish Linen Company.另一家因服务快捷而获得好评的店铺是爱尔兰亚麻公司(IrishLinenCompany)。
6.Ted hardly gets top scores in his school work.铁德在学校的作业几乎从没得过高分。
7.She works very hard at school, so she always gets top marks on exams.她在学校非常努力工作,因此她总是得到在检查的顶面标记。