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getting better是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

getting better



1.渐入佳境 ... 4 Glass Onion 洋葱头 5 Getting Better 越来越好 7 She's Leaving Home 她离开 …

3.变得更好来阅读相关书籍:“现在我正在读查尔斯·肯尼所著的《变得更好》(“Getting Better ”),我很快就要出发去中国了,所以同时 …

4.开始好转 13、Fool On The Hill 山丘上的傻瓜 14、Getting Better 开始好转 16、Band On the Run 逃亡 …

5.生活 ... Kelsey 凯尔西072 Getting Better 生活,会更加美好081 The Big Slip 摔倒之后088 ...

6.会更加美好 ... Kelsey 凯尔西 Getting Better 生活,会更加美好 The Big Slip 摔倒之后 ...

7.渐渐变好 越来越多人生病 more and more people get ill 渐渐变好getting better ...


1.Ralf, Toyota seems to be a team on the up, the performances are getting better, but there always seems to be something going wrong.拉尔夫,丰田看上去是一只正在进步的车队,成绩正变得越来越好,但似乎总是有一些事情是错的。

2.The declining literacy of our society has been a major concern of educators for a while now, and yet things are not getting better.有一段时间,全社会不断下降的文化水平成为教育家们的一大忧虑,然而现在情况仍没有任何好转。

3.Our facilities were just getting better, new businesses were moving into the area and there was a sense of improvement.我们的各种设施刚刚的好起来,一些新的生意也开始在这发展,而且可以感受到改善。

4.I hope you are doing well, I have been trying to get used to the time difference for the last three days, it is getting better.我希望你一切都好,过去的三天里我尝试去习惯不同的时间,现在好多了。

5.He ' s very kind. He keeps phoning up to see if I am getting better.他很体贴人,总是给我打电话,询问我(身体)是不是好些了。

6.It's not that I am getting better, it's just that this may be my last chance, I think you know what I mean.这不是我的病情有所好转,只是这可能是我最后的机会,我认为你懂我的意思。

7.He said he was getting better but gave no clue as to when he might return.他称自己病情正在好转,但就他是否会重履总统之职没有作出表示。

8.A little at a time, gradually getting better, but I'm pretty happy with the simplicity of my house and the rest of my life.一次清除一点点,慢慢地变得更好。我现在对我的房子和生活中的其他方面的简洁相当满意。

9.I can feel myself getting better in training each day. Hopefully I can get a starting place in the team and keep hold of it.每天训练我都在变得更强,希望我能给获得首发资格,并且将首发进行到底。

10.Oh " she said. Feeling their respective faces again, she observed, " God's getting better at it now isn't he?“哦,那么上帝现在创造的更好了,是吗?”女孩儿再一次感受对方的脸,说到。
