ghetto blaster
美式发音: [ˈɡetoʊ ˌblæstər] 英式发音: [ˈɡetəʊ ˌblɑːstə(r)]n.大型手提式收录机(或激光唱机)
网络释义:家园保卫战;贫民区的冲击波复数:ghetto blasters
ghetto blastern.1.大型手提式收录机(或激光唱机)a large radio and CD or cassette player that can be carried around, especially to play loud music in public
n.1.a boom box. This word is sometimes considered offensive.
1.家园保卫战,一度成为了城市青年娱乐文化的同义词,并因此有了“贫民区的冲击波”(Ghetto Blaster)这一昵称。
造句带翻译释义:,大型手提式收录机,家园保卫战,贫民区的冲击波1.After pressing play on a giant ghetto blaster that is bigger than them, they also execute all manner of flips and somersaults .按下一台比宝宝个头还大的大型手提收录音机的播放键之后,这些宝宝还作出各种姿势的弹跳和空翻。
2.Who shall sound from my ghetto blaster谁能听到我家的拍子声