1.跛的 Therapist 治疗专家 Gimpy 瘸的,跛的 Metallic 金属的,像金属的 ...
2.瘸的 Therapist 治疗专家 Gimpy 瘸的,跛的 Metallic 金属的,像金属的 ...
造句带翻译释义:,跛的,瘸的1.I was surprised Battier was still out there with a gimpy ankle. I'm not religious, but I'm praying he heals up for the next game.巴蒂尔脚踝受伤,仍然在球场上我很惊讶。我不是宗教徒,但为了下一场比赛,我祈祷,祈祷他快点恢复过来。
2.Bryant, who has an arthritic finger and a gimpy ankle among several minor injuries, left practice early to stay rested.然而鉴于手指和膝盖都有伤,小飞侠早早的便结束训练继续休养去了。
3.Not to mention, with season tickets to sell, the Rockets wouldn't roll out a gimpy Yao for the cameras.再说新赛季球票销售在即,火箭队是不会让姚明第一次公开亮相就一瘸一拐的。
4.Tyson Chandler, Left Ankle: Well, a toe kept him out of Oklahoma City, but his gimpy ankle might keep New Orleans out of the second round.泰森-钱德勒,左脚踝:好了,一个脚趾让他远离了俄克拉荷马城,但是他的脚踝可能会让新奥尔良黄蜂止步第二轮。
5.No one saw him gimpy going round the bend.没人看见他弯下腰,跛着走。
6.EZ- Gimpy quickly went to work at Yahoo.很快在雅虎网站上开始运作;