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give evidence是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

give evidence

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1.作证 作伪证/作假证供 testify falsely 作证 give evidence 否认是项指控 denied the claims ...

2.提供证据 ... edge-to-edge contact 边-边接触 give evidence 作证€提供证据€ 提出证据€[律]作证 give present 赠 ...

3.传出庭作证 ... ■signs;indications 迹象;痕迹 【律】传(某人)出庭作证 give evidence1.■ 【律】作证, 提出证据 in evidence1…

4.提供证X Totalitarianism 极权主义 Give evidence 提供证X Dictatorship 独裁主义 ...

5.确证、创造力、艺术才能、领导才能,和特 定学科领域中,确证(give evidence)有高度潜力表现 (high performance capability) 者…


1.No accused person has to answer the question of the police before trial. He is not compelled to give evidence in count.原告与被告同样平等,审判时被告不必回答警察的问题,不许强迫被告提供证据。

2.of whether Enid wants to give evidence or not. If she overheard a criminal conversation, it's her bounden duty to report it to the police.现在的问题不是伊妮德是否愿意作证。假如她偶然听到罪犯的谈话,那么,向警方报告是她义不容辞的责任。

3.The spark for his first book, A Time to Kill, came from a court case when Grisham observed a 12-year-old girl give evidence of her rape.格里森姆的第一部小说《杀戮时刻》(ATimetoKill)的灵感来自于一个真实案件(12岁的女孩被强奸)。

4.But what is the effect of that? Cases are decided on the evidence of those who do give evidence and not of those who do not.但什麽是那的作用?案件被裁决在那些的证据提供证据并且不是的那些不。

5.Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is to be called to give evidence to an inquiry into the controversial Iraq War, AFP reported.据法新社报道,英国前首相布莱尔将就伊拉克战争决策问题接受公开质询。

6.pleaded with him not to give evidence .恳求他不要指证自己

7.How can they expect me to give evidence against my own mother?他们怎么能指望我出示不利于我亲生母亲的证据呢?

8.They are also entitled to decline to give evidence as expert witnesses with regard to the law of the sending State.领馆成员有权拒绝以鉴定人身份就派遣国的法律提出证词。

9.Alexander Downer is the most senior government figure so far to give evidence to the judicial hearing.亚历山大·唐纳是目前在司法听证会上出庭作证的政府最高级别官员。

10.constitution of the USA, which says that no person can be forced to give evidence which may incriminate himself.美国宪法中一条修正案。此案规定:任何人不得被强迫自证其罪。
