give impetus
1.促进 ... * socialist harmonious society 社会主义和谐社会 * give impetus 促进 * transnational crimes 跨国犯罪 ...
造句带翻译释义:,促进1.Smile, give impetus to give the charm of a smiley face with sun-like journey of life to meet the dangers of suffering.微笑,给人以动力,给人以魅力,带着阳光般的笑脸去迎接人生征途中的苦难险阻。
2.Expectations are high that the enhanced convenience in yen-yuan exchanges will give impetus to trade and investment between Japan and China.人们普遍预期,增强直接兑换将推动中日间的贸易和投资往来。
3.promotion and conduct the business talks, and will give impetus to the construction of venture capital system.科技部将组织对华投资项目发布和洽谈活动;推进风险投资体系的建设。
4.We would then have to use this to give impetus to the search for peace.我们就必须利用这一点推动对和平的探求。
5.The change and development of socialist practice directly give impetus to the constant revision.社会主义实践的变化和发展直接推动了我国宪法的不断修改。
6.A yes vote in what is the first such plebiscite in Brazil would give impetus to dozens of dreams of new states elsewhere.这是巴西历史上的第一次此类公民表决,一旦通过,它将会带动其他几十个地方实现成立新州的梦想。
7.her consummate acting in Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and The Revolution Of 1911 will give impetus to the box office success.她在《雪花与秘扇》以及《辛亥革命》中的完美演绎定将会为电影票房再创新高。
8.Also hope the film will give impetus to our perception of foreign countries!也很希望这部影片,能带动国外对我们的观感!
9.Consummate and Develop the National Region Autonomous System and Give Impetus to Socialistic Political Civilization完善和发展民族区域自治制度推进社会主义政治文明
10.Build Guanzhong City Community, Give Impetus to Industrialization and Urbanization of Shaanxi建设关中城市群,推动陕西工业化、城市化进程