育儿知识大全 英语词典内容页

give insight是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

give insight


1.It is hoped that this thesis will give insight into the financing difficulties of present small and medium-sized enterprise.希望本文对目前中小企业融资难的问题,有所启发。

2.However, these experimental techniques typically do not give insight into how the protein might move.但是,这些实验技巧通常无法展示蛋白质如何移动。

3.This course will give insight into how an algorithm specification can be implemented from a given set of criteria.这课程将会提供对一件运算法则规格如何能从一给定组的标准被实现的洞察。

4.The I Ching is an ancient Chinese oracle that provides an Oriental philosophical perspective to give insight on situations and problems.《易经》是一种古代的中国神谕,提供了一种东方哲学,对情景和问题给予了洞察。

5.Sound and image unwind in a sequential manner, their disjointed associations give insight into the distance of memory.声音和图像在一种有顺序的方式中伸展,他们杂乱的结合使人们得以观看到记忆的距离。

6.Nevertheless, learning algorithms can give insight into the relative difficulty of learning in different environments.然而,学习算法却可以在那些难以学习的环境中赋予其洞察力。

7.Verbose GC logs give insight into the operation of the garbage collector and can give hints about policy and parameter choices.VerboseGC日志能够洞察垃圾收集器的操作,并为策略和参数选择提供提示。

8.Consequently they give insight into the potential performance of quantitation estimators.因此他们给洞察潜在的性能定量估计。

9.These actual foods that you can actually order off a menu or buy in a market give insight to some of today's food trend innovations.你可以实实在在地从菜单上点到或者从市场上买到这些食物,从而可以从一个侧面洞察到当今餐饮革命的趋势。

10.The direct PLNA detects an immunomodulating effect but does not give insight into the mode of action of the chemical under test.直接PLNA检测到免疫调节作用,但没有给到了测试的化学作用下模式的了解。
