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发表于1年前 英语词典


美式发音: [ˌdʒubɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌdʒuːbɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n]







1.欢欣鼓舞;欢腾;欢庆a feeling of great happiness because of a success


n.1.behavior that shows you are extremely happy because something good has happened

1.欢腾 祖·马龙 Jo Malone 欢腾 Jubilation 趣味时尚 Juicy Couture ...

2.庆祝 Antithetical 对立,对偶法 Jubilation 欢呼,庆祝,喜欢 Predictable 可预言的 ...

3.欢庆 jaculate 把 —向前掷去 jubilation 欢庆,欢腾 jubilant 欢快的 ...

4.欢呼 jubilant 喜悦的,欢呼的 jubilation 喜悦,欢呼 judgment 判断 ...

5.喜悦 jubilant 喜悦的,欢呼的 jubilation 喜悦,欢呼 judgment 判断 ...

6.喜庆 ... 喜乐 joy 喜庆 jubilation;festive 喜鹊 magpie; ...

7.欢腾,欢庆 ... 3.overturn vt. 使垮台; 推翻 4.jubilation n. 欢腾,欢庆;庆祝活动 5.squeeze n. 给…造成财务困难;使财政受限制 ...

8.欢呼庆祝 comfortably beat 轻松击败 jubilation 欢呼庆祝 pump 注入 ...


1.Nasa chief Sean O'Keefe congratulated mission officials while scientists jumped up-and-down in jubilation.美国太空署署长奥基夫向执行这次使命的官员们表示祝贺,而科学家们不禁欢腾雀跃。

2.We seem to hear the sound of gun salute of festivity, soaked in the sea of jubilation. Thanks to own mother, bless own mother!我们仿佛听到了欢庆的礼炮声,我们仿佛置身于欢腾的海洋,感谢自己的母亲,祝福自己的母亲!

3.All the jubilation that follows can sound like an attempt to forget whatever existential threat the Scherzo poses.随之而来的所有欢庆场景仿佛试图去掩盖那些谐谑曲所存在的威胁。

4.Industry executives reacted with jubilation, as if they had proved their critics wrong and passed the tests with flying colors.金融业的主管们对测试结果欢呼雀跃似乎他们出色地通过了测试从而证明了批评者是错误的。

5.Olympic is a human Santa will. Apart from it. which of human social activities in such a fair. detailed and. an atmosphere of jubilation!奥运是人类的圣会。除了它。人类的哪一项社会活动能在如此公正。详和。欢庆的气氛中进行!

6.Our jubilation at such a significant discovery accounts for the whimsical names that we chose for each vent area.从我们为每个裂口区取的古怪名字可看出我们在做出这一重大发现时欢欣鼓舞的心情。

7.I had missed five shots, and the other team erupted in jubilation that I had not scored.我错过了5次投蓝,对方开始庆祝我没有投进球。

8.Perhaps the words I can give enrich spiritual satisfaction, inspiration jubilation you could always expulsion of the lonely heart.也许文字的充实可以带给我精神上的满足,灵感的雀跃总也可以驱逐内心的寂寞。

9.That said, in the midst of all this jubilation, I must temper my enthusiasm with a somber note.那说,在所有的这一个欢呼之中,我一定用一个微暗的注意锻炼我的狂热。

10.Normally, such a surge would be cause for jubilation.通常情况下,股市如此大幅度的上涨应该令人欢欣鼓舞。
