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give the devil是什么意思_怎么读

发表于1年前 英语词典

give the devil


1.Don't yield to your anger, it will give the devil opportunity to attempt you, so stop being angry as soon as you can.不要屈服于你的愤怒,它会让你受到魔鬼的诱惑,因此,尽可能快地停止愤怒的情绪;

2.And do not give the devil a foothold.也不可给魔鬼留地步。

3." Paul said, " Don't give the Devil a chance.保罗说:「不可让魔鬼有机可乘。」

4.I don't like him either. But to give the devil his due, I must admit that he is a pretty talented person.我也不喜欢他。不过说句公道话,我得承认他是个很有才华的人。

5.I don't like my English teacher, but to give the devil his due, I must admit that he is good teacher.我不喜欢我的英语老师,但平心而论,我必须承认他是个好老师。

6.I don't like Mr. Jones, but to give the devil his due, I must admit that he is a good boss.我不喜欢琼斯先生,但平心而论,我得承认他是个好老板。

7.Never give the devil a ride -- he will always want to drive.永远不要让恶魔搭车-他总想做你的司机。
