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give to是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-13 英语词典

give to

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1.给予 (4) 缴纳赋税[ pay taxes] (6) 给予;授予[ give to;confer] (8) 做诗[ write poems] ...

2.给东西 take care of( 照顾) give to给东西) make a card( 制作卡片) ...

3.授予 (1)赋fù(2)田赋;赋税[ feudal land tax;taxes] (7)给予;授予[ give to;confer] (13)通“敷”。颁布[ issue;publish;proclaim] ...

4.给……某人 )relate to 与……有关; )give to 给……某人; )grant to 授予,准予; ...



1.I gave you my heart. That's all that I can give to you and if that's not enough for you. . . than I'm not enough for you.我把心交给了你。那是全部我可以给你的,如果还不够的话,那我只能说我配不上你了。

2.What shall I repay the Lord for all that I shall give to Grace.我拿什么报答耶和华向我所赐的一切厚恩。

3.A third experiment was described to participants as a taste test: their task was to decide how much hot sauce to give to other tasters.在被称为“味觉测试”的第三次的试验中,参加者的任务是决定给其他品尝者吃多少辣酱。

4.The two camps differ over how much approval and assistance Pakistan should give to stepped-up U. S. anti-terrorist operations.这两个阵营在巴基斯坦应当对美国加强反恐行动给予多少许可和支持这个问题上出现分歧。

5.By expressing your appreciation to a partner, it may be a reaffirmation of your love, a gift you could give to that person.也许你可以送给他一份礼物,通过表达你对他的好感,可以对你的爱意再次确认。

6.And he swore to her earnestly, Whatever you ask of me, I will give to you, up to half of my kingdom.又极力对她起誓说,你无论向我求什么,就是我国的一半,我也必给你。

7.now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel.现在你要起来,和众百姓过这约旦河,往我所要赐给以色列人的地去。

8.My life, sunlight, people do not feel the shadow of the sun, but I am under the sun, but I do not give to see side Bale.我的生活,阳光,人们不会觉得太阳的影子,但我在阳光下时,但我不给看一边贝尔。

9.And you know, when you give to a nonprofit, you might have 50 cents on the dollar.当你向非赢利组织捐款,每一个美元可能会产生50美分的实际作用。

10.My question for you is, as an artist, what advice can you give to any body who wants to become involved within the entertainment industry?我想问你的是,作为一个艺人,你想给其他一些希望进入娱乐圈的人什么忠告呢?
