美式发音: [ˈɡɪv(ə)n] 英式发音: ['ɡɪv(ə)n]prep.鉴于;考虑到
网络释义:特定的;给出;给定复数:givens 同义词
prep.with,granted,allowing,because of,in view of
given显示所有例句adj.1.已经安排好的;规定的already arranged
They were to meet at a given time and place.他们要在规定的时间和地点会晤。
2.指定的;所述的;特定的that you have stated and are discussing; particular
We can find out how much money is spent on food in any given period.我们可以查明在特定时间内花在食物上的钱有多少。
IDMHe's given to going for long walks on his own.他有独自长距离步行的习惯。
be given to sth/to doing sth经常做;习惯于to do sth often or regularlyHe's given to going for long walks on his own.他有独自长距离步行的习惯。
prep.1.考虑到;鉴于when you consider sth
Given his age(= considering how old he is) , he's remarkably active.考虑到他的年龄,他已是相当活跃的了。
Given her interest in children, teaching seems the right job for her.考虑到她喜欢孩子,教书看来是很适合她的工作。
n.1.假设事实something that is accepted as true, for example when you are discussing sth, or planning sth
adj.1.一定的,特定的2.给予的,赠送的3.爱好的,喜欢的,习惯的 (to)4.(文件等于...)签订的5.〔数学推理等的独立用法,表示条件)已知的,假设的1.一定的,特定的2.给予的,赠送的3.爱好的,喜欢的,习惯的 (to)4.(文件等于...)签订的5.〔数学推理等的独立用法,表示条件)已知的,假设的
v.1.The past participle of give
adj.1网站屏蔽ed for referring to a particular thing2.a given period has previously been decided on
n.1.a basic fact that you accept as the truth
prep.1.because of a particular fact
na.1.The past participle of give
1.考虑到 reliable a. 可靠的, 可信赖的 given prep. 考虑到; 假定 obscure a. 模糊的; 晦涩的 ...
2.特定的 conclude 作出结论、推断 given adj. 特定的, 假设的 Given that : 如果,鉴 …
3.给出 geometry 几何;几何学 given 给定;已知 global 全局; 整体 ...
5.给定的 given value 给定值 given 给定的 Givetian stage 吉维特阶 ...
6.赠予的 given name 教名 given 赠予的 ... given give 的过去分词 ...
7.给予借 由所思意义,事物的本质、自明之理得已被给予(given)如其自身(as such)。 (注十四) 胡赛尔以知觉为例,來說明现 …
造句带翻译释义:,鉴于,考虑到,已经安排好的,规定的,指定的,所述的,假设事实,特定的,给出,给定1.A week later, he pleaded guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident and was given a two-month suspended sentence.一周后,他承认了肇事逃逸的罪名,被判2个月缓刑。
2.You could not have given me a more suitable gift than the check. I know exactly what I shall do with it.你送我的礼物,没有比支票更合适,我知道怎样使用它。
3.A few years ago they were given permanent residency, and full citizenship is now probably only a matter of time.几年前,他们就已获得永久性的居住权。至于完整的公民权何时能够享有,如今看来,似乎也只是时间问题。
4.Is the week that the agent runs in a given month when frequency_type is 32 (monthly relative), and can be one of these values.当frequency_type为32(与“每月”选项相关)时,代理在给定月份的这一周运行,可以为下列值之一
5.Given that she was really interested in children, teaching was a proper career for her.倘若她真的对孩子感兴趣,教师这一职业对她来说很合适。
6.The reasons and more details on the matter will be given by Lorena personally in a press conference on Friday in Mexico City.对此事的原因及更多细节奥将亲自于周五在墨西哥城开办的新闻发布会上宣布。
7.It had given him a slight advantage the first year or two.这让他在一两岁时会有点优势。
8.In many parts of the world, twice a year, our bodies are given a sudden jolt in the name of energy savings.在世界上许多地方,一年之中大家的身体因节能之名而经受两次突然的转变。
9.Bill Of Materials A list of specific types and amounts of direct materials expected to be used to produce a given job or quantity of output.一种特殊类型的列表,表单上列出了用于生产的直接原料或生产数量。
10.If true, that is inexcusable given that it had been warned it was a target by Anonymous, the activist hacking collective.如果真是这样,那将是不可饶恕的,因为黑客组织Anonymous曾发出警告,称将向索尼发起攻击。