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2023-09-13 英语词典


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网络释义:魔力;诱惑力;魅力杂志复数:glamours  同义词反义词





1.吸引力,魅力,诱惑力(多因财富或地位所致)the attractive and exciting quality that makes a person, a job or a place seem special, often because of wealth or status

hopeful young actors and actresses dazzled by the glamour of Hollywood为好莱坞的魅力神魂颠倒,怀抱希望的年轻演员

Now that she's a flight attendant, foreign travel has lost its glamour for her.她现在是空中乘务员了,去国外旅行对她已失去吸引力。

2.(暗示财富或成功的)迷人的美,魅力physical beauty that also suggests wealth or success

Add a cashmere scarf under your jacket for a touch of glamour.在夹克衫里面围一条开司米围巾会使你更有魅力。




n.1.a special quality that makes a person, place, or situation seem very exciting, attractive, or fashionable; having glamour

na.1.The variant of glamor

1.魅力 glacier n. 冰川,冰河 glamour n. 魔力,魅力; gland n. 腺 ...

3.诱惑力 celebrated adj. 著名的;远近驰名的 glamour n. 魅力,诱惑力 achievement n. 成就…

4.魅力杂志 ──浮华世界 Vanity Fair ──魅力杂志 Glamour ──纽约时报 New York Times ...

5.时尚 50 Car & Driver 机车 29 Glamour 时尚 30 National Enquirer,The 新闻 ...

6.迷人式 10. Sporty 运动式 11. Glamour 迷人式 12. Relaxed 清爽式 ...

7.迷惑 further 增进 促进 glamour 魅力 迷惑 group 分组 ...

8.魔法 perch 坐,休息 栖息 glamour 魔法 魔力 profile 介绍 画。。。的轮廓 ...


1.In her day Friedel was a striking beauty, and that glamour and grace is still evident today.在弗瑞德尔的生涯里她是一个惹人注目的美人,迷人的诱惑和优雅的举止今天仍旧显露。

2.In one of these glamour shots, Big Cheese grins over a deer that, as it turns out, he shot while trespassing.在这些照片中有一张他在一头鹿旁边开怀大笑的照片,后来被曝这个猎物是他非法侵入私人领地时射杀的。完了!

3.The glamour of romance with which her imagination had invested him faded away in the cold light of fact that he was an ex-laundryman.她的想像给他博士的浪漫色彩在现实的冷冰冰的光照前暗淡了下去——原来他以前不过是个洗衣工。

4.The glamour model is planning yet another tell-all book about her life, and she said he should be 'scared'.魅力四射的麻豆凯蒂·普莱斯计划要出另一本关于私生活的书了,她说这会让彼得“害怕”。

5.The Aveo represents the perceived glamour of such a new triple- compartment vehicle , with its three great " features . "以三“大”主要特色充分显示出这款全新三厢轿车的感性魅力。

6.Glamour rating? High: Lincoln seems to interested in her purely for her looks. And she gets to don a wedding dress for a nuptial scene.魅力指数?高:Lincoln看起来纯粹是着迷于她的外貌。而且她还有一场穿婚纱的婚礼戏。

7.It is not the first time he does it, but it keeps on being impressive his capacity to leave the glamour at home to roll up in the mud.这不是他第一次这么做,惊人的是他在客场的泥地里打过滚之后,又在自己的主场魅力四射。

8.The rather louche glamour of Monaco's royal family is nothing compared with the fading but still palpable grandeur of the British monarchy.这丁点摩洛哥王室家族的魅力只会渐渐地凋落,但是对于英国的君主政治来说仍然是一种真实的显赫。

9.And as I said earlier, glamour does not have to be about people but it has to have this transcendent quality.就像我之前说的,魅力并非和人沾上关系但是卓越的品质这一点是不可或缺的。

10.You can even tuck sparkly beads or feathers between the greenery and flowers in your bouquet for a bit of unexpected glamour.你甚至可以在绿叶和花儿中间放一些闪烁的珠子或是羽毛来给你的宴会增添意想不到的魅力。
