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2023-09-13 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡlerɪŋli] 英式发音: [ˈɡleərɪŋli]






adv.1.something that is glaringly obvious is very obvious

1.耀目地 ... glaring 耀眼的 glaringly 耀目地 glaringness 显著 ...

2.突出地 ... ) compressed 被压缩的 ) glaringly 耀眼地,突出地 ) ponder 考虑 ...

3.耀眼地 ... ) compressed 被压缩的 ) glaringly 耀眼地,突出地 ) ponder 考虑 ...

4.显而易见地 ... cosx 劝诱 glaringly 显而易见地 christen 为......命名 ...


1.And he said "greenhouse gases are the glaringly obvious explanation" for 0. 56C (1F) warming over the last 50 years.他说:对过去50年0.56摄氏度(1华氏度)的升温,“温室气体是再明显不过的解释”。

2.Yet politicians are quite capable of ignoring even glaringly unfinished business if it suits them.然而政客们只要愿意就能无视这些极为显眼的未竟的事业。

3.To anyone who has watched the recent transformation of other information-based industries, the implications of all this are glaringly clear.对于任何目睹其他以信息为基础的产业最近变化的人,这些含意可谓一目了然。

4.Lacking a physical presence in the paint and an inability to stop dribble penetration were flaws that were glaringly exposed by the Celtics.湖人球员缺乏身体对抗的能力,以及阻止不了对手运球突破的缺点都清楚的暴露在凯尔特人的眼里。

5.Spain's structural faults were long hidden by a housing bubble and have been glaringly exposed now that it has burst.西班牙过去长期被房地产泡沫隐藏的结构性失误,如今终于暴露无遗,并且破裂。

6.Access to look at the contents of two United Nations covenants on human rights, the cultural connotation of the glaringly obvious.查阅一下联合国两个人权公约的内容,这个文化内涵就昭然若揭了。

7.More importantly, the pig-equals-dog claim ignores the glaringly obvious issue of relationships. The human relationship with dogs is unique.更重要的是,将吃猪肉等同于吃狗肉的观点忽略了人类与狗之间明摆着的特殊关系。

8.Unlike previously, it has become glaringly apparent that our present society holds the key to opening new vistas in governmental affairs.和以前不同,在开创政府工作新局面的问题上,当今社会已成为明显的决定性因素。

9.They were glaringly out of sync with realities students face outside the classroom.这与学生在教室外所面对的现实明显不“同步”。

10.In the case of Myanmar, the failures are glaringly obvious.缅甸的这一例子中,很多失败之处格外明显。
